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protection; and if any vessel of the United States shall be forced to put into our ports by stress of weather, or otherwise, she shall not be compelled to land her cargo, but shall remain in tranquility until the commander shall think proper to proceed on his voyage.

Art. X. If any vessel of either of the parties shall have an engagement with a vessel belonging to any of the Christian powers within gun shot of the forts of the other, the vessel so engaged shall be defended and protected as much as poffible until she is in safety; and if any American vessel shall be cast on shore on the coast of Wadnoon, or any coast thereabout, the people belonging to her shall be protected and assisted, until, by the help of God, they shall be sent to their country.

Art. XI. If we shall be at war with any Christian power, and any of our veffels fail from the ports of the United States, no vessel belonging to the enemy shall follow until twenty-four hours after the departure of our veffels; and the same regulation shall be observed towards the American vessels failing from our ports, be their enemies Moors or Chriftians.

Art. XII. If any ship of war belonging to the United States shall put into any of our ports, she shall not be examined on any pretence whatever, even though she should have fugitive flaves on board, nor shall the governor or commander of the place compel them to be brought on shore on any pretext, nor require any payment for them.

Art. XIII. If a ship of war of either party shall put into a port of the other and salute, it shall be returned from the fort with an equal number of guns, not with more or less.

Art. XIV. The commerce with the United States shall be on the fame footing as is the commerce with Spain, or as that with the most favoured nation for the time being; and their citizens shall be respected and esteemed, and have full liberty to pass and repass our country and seaports whenever they please without interruption.

Art. XV. Merchants of both countries shall employ only such interpreters, and such other persons to assist them in their bufiness, as they shall think proper. No commander of a vessel shall transport his cargo on board another vessel; he shall not be detained in port longer than he may think proper; and all persons employed in loading or unloading goods, or in any other labour whatever, shall be paid at the customary rates, not more and not less.

Art. XVI. In case of a war between the parties, the prisoners are not to be made slaves, but to be exchanged one for another, captain for captain, officer for officer, and one private man for another; and if there thall prove a deficiency on either fide, it fall be made up by the payment of one hundred Mexican dollars for each perfon wanting. And it is agreed that all prisoners shall be exchanged within twelve months from the time of their being taken, and that this exchange may be eficcted by a merchant or any other perfon authorized by either of the parties.

Art, XVII. Merchants shall not be compelled to buy or fel! any kind of goods but fuch as they shall think proper; and may buy and tell all forts of merchandize but fuch as are prohibited to the other Chriftian nations,

Art. XVIII. All goods shall be weighed and examined before they are fent on board, and to avoid all detention of vessels, no examination shall afterwards be made, unless it shall first be proved that contraband goods have been fent on board, in which cate the perfons who took the contraband goods on board, shall Le panished according to the usage and custom of the country, ard no other perfon whatever shall be injured, nor shall the ship or cargo incur any penalty or damage whatever.

Art. XIX. No vessel shall be detained in port on any pre. tence whatever, nor be obliged to take on board any article without the confent of the commander, who shall be at full Liberty to agree for the freight of any goods he takes on board."

Art. XX. If any of the citizens of the United States, or any peitons under their protection, shall have any disputes with each ther, the consul shall decide between the parties, and whenever the conful shall require any aid or affistance from our government, to enforce his decifions, it shall be immediately granted to him.

Att. XXI. If a citizen of the United States should kill or wound a Moor, or on the contrary if a Moor shall kill or wound a citizen of the United States, the law of the country shall take place, and equal juftice shall be rendered, the consul assisting at the trial; and if any delinquent shall make his escape, the conful shall not be aniwerable for him in any manner what


Art. XXII. If an American citizen shall die in our country, and no will shall appear, the consul shall take poffeffion of his effects, and if there shall be no conful, the effects shall be depofited in the hands of fome perfon worthy of trust, until the party mall appear who has a right to demand them; but if the heir to the perion deceased be present, the property shall be delivered to him without interruption; and if a will shall appear,

the property shall descend agreeable to that will as foon as the consul shall declare the validity thereof.

Art. XXIII. The confuls of the United States of America, shall refide in any fea-port of our dominions that they shall think proper; and they shall be respected, and enjoy all the privileges which the confuls of any other nation enjoy: and if any of the citizens of the United States shall contract any debts or engagements, the consuls shall not be in any manner accountable for them, unless he shall have given a promise in writing for the payment or fulfilling thereof, without which promife in writing, no application to him for any redress shall be made.

Art. XXIV. If any differences shall arife by either party infringing on any of the articles of this treaty, peace and harmony shall remain notwithstanding, in the fullest force, until a friendly application shall be made for an arrangement, and until that application shall be rejected, no appeal shall be made to arms. And if a war shall break out between the parties, nine months shall be granted to all the subjects of both parties, to dispose of their effects and retire with their property. And it is further declared, that whatever indulgencies in trade or otherwise, shall be granted to any of the Christian powers, the citizens of the United States shall be equally entitled to them.

Art. XXV. This treaty shall continue in full force, with the help of God, for fifty years.

We have delivered this book into the hands of the before mentioned Thomas Barclay, on the first day of the blessed month of Ramadan, in the year one thousand two hundred.

I certify that the annexed is a true copy of the translation made by Ifaac Cordoza Nunez, interpreter at Morocco, of the treaty between the Emperor of Morocco, and the United States of America.




I, THE under-written, the servant of God, Taher Ben Abdelkack Fennish, do certify, that his Imperial Majesty, my mafter, (whom God preserve) having concluded a treaty of peace and commerce with the United States of America, has ordered me, the better to compleat it, and in addition of the tenth article of the treaty, to declare, "That if any vessel belonging to the United States, shall be in any of the ports of his Majesty's dominions, or within gun-fhot of his forts, he shall be protected as much as possible, and no vessel whatever, belonging either to Moorish or Christian powers, with whom the United States may be at war, shall be permitted to follow or engage her, as we now deem the citizens of America our good friends."

And, in obedience to his Majesty's commands, I certify this declaration, by putting my hand and seal to it, on the eighteenth day of Ramadan, in the year one thousand two hundred.

The servant of the King, my master, whom God preserve,

I do certify that the above is a true copy of the tranflation made at Morocco, by Ifaac Cordoza Nunez, interpreter, of a declaration made and figned by Sidi Hage Taher Fennish, in addition to the treaty between the Emperor of Morocco, and the United States of America, which declaration the faid Taher Fennish made by the ex prefs directions of his Majesty.


NOW KNOW YE, That we the faid John Adams and Thomas Jefferfon, ministers plenipotentiary aforesaid, do approve and conclude the faid treaty, and every article and clause therein contained, referving the fame nevertheless to the United States in Congress affembled for their final ratification.

In teftimony whereof, we have figned the fame with our names and feals, at the places of our respective refidence, and at the dates expreffed under our fignatures refpectively.


London, January 25th, 1787.

(L. Sa)


(L. S.)

Paris, January 1st, 1787.

• The Ramadan of the year of the Hegira 1200, commenced on the 28th TREATY

ae, in the year of our Lord, 1786.




LIS Catholic Majesty and the United States of America, defiring to confolidate, on a permanent basis, the friendship and good correfpondence which happily prevails between the two parties, have determined to establish by a Convention, several points, the fettlement whereof will be productive of general advantage and reciprocal utility to both nations.

With this intention his Catholic Majesty has appointed the most excellent Lord Don Manuel de Goday, and Alvarez de Faria, Rois, Sanchez, Zazoza, Prince de Paz, Duke de la Al cudia, Lord of the Roto de Roma, and of the state of Albala, grandee of Spain of the first class, perpetual Regedor of the city of Santiajo, Knight of the illustrious order of the Golden Fleece, and Great Cross of the Royal and distinguished Spanish order of Charles III. Commander of Valencia, del Ventose, Rivera, and Acenchal in that of Santiajo, Knight and Great Cross of the religious order of St. John, Counseller of State, First Secretary of State, and Dispatch Secretary to the Queen, Superintendant General of the Posts and Highways, Protector of the Royal Academy of the Noble Arts, and of the Royal Societies of Natural History, Botany, Chemistry and Astronomy, Gentleman of the Bed Chamber in employment, Captain General of his armies, Inspector and Major of the Royal Corps of Body Guards, &c. &c. &c. And the President of the United States, with the advice and consent of their Senate, has appointed Thomas Pinckney, a citizen of the United States, and their Envoy Extraordinary to his Catholic Majesty. And the faid Plenipotentiaries have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles.

Art. I. There shall be a firm and inviolable peace and fincere friendship between his Catholic Majesty, his successors and subjects, and the United States, and their citizens, without exception of perfons or places.

Art. II. To prevent all dispute on the subject of the boundaries which feparate the territories of the two high contracting parties, it is hereby declared and agreed as follows, to wit:

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