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" ... to the middle of the river Apalachicola or Catahouche; thence along the middle thereof to its junction with the Flint river; -thence straight to the head of St. Mary's river; and thence down along the middle of St. Mary's river to the Atlantic ocean. "
An Historical, Geographical, Commercial, and Philosophical View of the ... - Page 434
de William Winterbotham - 1796
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The Scots Magazine, Volume 45

1783 - 736 pages
...; thence along the middle thereof, to its junction with the Flint River ; thence ftrait to the bead of St Mary's River, and thence down along the middle of St Mary'* River to the Atlantic ocean ; — eaft, by a line to be drawn along the middle of the river...
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The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year, Volume 25

Edmund Burke - 1800 - 622 pages
...along the middle thereof to its junaion with the Flint Flint River; thence ftraight to the ' Jiead of St. Mary's River; and thence down along the middle...Mary's River to the Atlantic Ocean. Eaft, by a line to be drawn along the middle of the River St. Croix, from its mouth in (he Bay of Fundy to its lource,...
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The Constitutions of the Several Independent States of America: The ...

1783 - 492 pages
...the middle of the River Apalachicola or Catahouche ; thence along the middle thereof to its junction with the Flint River ; thence ftrait to the head of...Mary's River to the Atlantic Ocean. — Eaft, by a line to be drawn along the middle of the River St. Croix, from its mouth in the Bay of Fundy, to its fource...
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The Boston magazine

696 pages
...or Catochouche ; thence along the middle thereof to its Juneton with the Flint River ; thence tuit to the head of St. Mary's River ; and thence down along the middle of St. Miry's River to the Atlantic Ocean ; Haft, by a l-ne to be drawn 4long the middle of St. Croix from...
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Annual Register, Volume 26

Edmund Burke - 1785 - 648 pages
...or Catahouche; thence along the middle thereof to its junction with the Flint River; thence ftraight to the head of St. Mary's River, and thence down along...Mary's River to the Atlantic ocean. Eaft, by a line to be drawn along the middle of the river St. Croix from its mouth in the Bay of Fundy to its fource,...
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The History of the Rise, Progress, and Establishment, of the ..., Volume 4

William Gordon - 1788 - 500 pages
...Catahouche ; thence along the middle thereof to its junction with the Flint river -, thence ftraight to the head of St. Mary's river, and thence down along...Mary's river, to the Atlantic ocean :— eaft by a line to be drawn along the middle of the river St. Croix from its mouth in the bay of Fundy to its fource...
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A Collection of Treaties Between Great Britain and Other Powers, Volume 2

Great Britain, George Chalmers - 1790 - 574 pages
...the middle of the river Apalachicola or Catahouche ; thence along the middle thereof to its junction with the Flint river ; thence ftrait to the head of...river to the Atlantic ocean : — Eaft, by a line to be drawn along the middle of the river St. Croix, from its mouth in the bay of Fundy to its fource...
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A Review of the Laws of the United States of North America, the British ...

1790 - 286 pages
...the middle of the river Apalachicola or Catahouche; thence along the middle thereof to its junction with the Flint river; thence ftrait to the head of...along the middle of St. Mary's river to the Atlantic Ocean.—Eaft, by a line to be drawn along the middle of the river St. Croix, from its mouth in the...
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A Collection of Treaties Between Great Britain and Other Powers, Volume 2

Great Britain, George Chalmers - 1790 - 558 pages
...Apalachicola or Catahouche ; thence along the middle thereof to its junction with the Flint river j thence ftrait to the head of St. Mary's river, and...thence down along the middle of St. Mary's river to the Adantic ocean :—Eaft, by a line to be drawn along the middle of the river St. Croix, from its mouth...
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The American Geography: Or, a View of the Present Situation of the United ...

Jedidiah Morse - 1792 - 522 pages
...of thirty-one degrees north of the equator, to the middle of the River Apalachicola, or Catahonche; thence along the middle thereof to its junftion with...along the middle of St. Mary's River to the Atlantic Осела ; eaft, by a line to be drawn along the middle of the River St. Croix, from its mouth in...
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