Davs 24 25 EACH DAY PRICE OF STOCKS FOR Bank per Ct per Ct. 4perCt Navy | New Long | Short Omn. Imp. Imp. Stock Reduc. Confols Confols sperCt sperCt. Ann. Ann. 3pr Ct Aun. MARCH (802. Irith India India India Exche. Irish English Stock. Scrip Bonds. Bills. 5perC Lott. Tick Tick. 100 100 20 5-16 12 7-16 20 684 12 7-16 2144 101 20 5-16 20 51657-16 68 12 7-16 P 101호 20 673 12 5-16 26 191 27 69號 995 998 7 97 993 85 100 3 IGO 20 11 67ag 100 67 12 5 16 67 12 5-16 67 12 516 674 15-16 12 5-16 68 127-16 8 684 12 9-16 N.B. In the 3 per Cent. Confols the highest and lowest Price of each Day is given; in the other Stocks the highest Price only. European Magazine, For APRIL 1802. [Embellished with, 1. A PORTRAIT of DR. SAMUEL MADDEN. And, 2. A VIEW of CANONBURY HOUSE, ISLINGTON.] CONTAINING, Mackenzie's Voyages from Mon- Bowles's Reflections at the Conclu- Page 1282 285 Holloway's Peafant's Fate 288 • fon's Dictionary 249 Bloomfield's Rural Tales, Ballads, ibid Characters of the late Lord Hardwicke 254 An Elegy facred to the Memory of.. Anecdotes of Henry Lord Holland, refpecting Lord Hardwicke and Lady Wright Poems and Ballads: ⚫ others 257 Pratt's Poor; or, Bread Profpectus of a Canine Dictionary. The Lovers of the Blue Ridge 260 263 Eccentric Biography Poetry; including The Retreat to State Paper Foreign Intelligence, from the Lon- Domeftic itelligence, Monthly Obituary, 277 Price of Stocks. London: Printed by Bunney of Gold, Shearline, Ficet fireet, 292 297 321 323 330 334 ibid. Persons who refide abroad. and rwho wish to be supplied with this Work every Month, as publifbed, may bave it fent to them, FREE OF POSTAGE, to Neru York, Halifax, Quebec, and every Part of the West Indies, at Two Guineas per Aunum, by Mr. THORNHILL, of the General Poft Office, at No. 21, Sherborne Lane; to Hamburg, Lisbon, Gibraltar, or any Part of the Mediterranean, at Trvo Guineas per Annum, by Mr. BISHOP, of the General Post Office, at No. 22, Sherborne Lane; to any Part of Ireland, at One Guinea and a Half per Annum, by Mr. SMITH, of the General Post Office, at No. 3, Sherborne Lane, and to the Cape of Good Hope, or any Part of the East Indies, at Thirty Shillings per Annum, by Mr. Gux, at the Eal India House. VOL. XLI. APRIL 1802. Ii 289 ibid. ibid. ibid 1 ibid. P. 209, Sonnet to the Nightingale, 1. 14, for next with strife, read vext with strife. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TO CORRESPONDENTS. by J. The Verses by a young Lady, fent us B. breath, as he says, an unaffected ftrain of piety and affection, but have not poetical merit sufficient for infertion. We shall be glad to hear further from Polydore. Vapulans would engage us in a very uninteresting controverfy; we therefore de cline his favour. On a more general subject we shall be glad of his correspondence. 7. B's Elegy and the Rev. Mr. Hennab's Verses in our next. AVERAGE PRICES of CORN from April 10, to April 17. Leicester 71 1000 035 817 132 o Lancash. 70 100 038 521 237 7 Nottingh. 78 052 036 620 036 Derby 75 400 043 8 20 641 Stafford 771000 041 522 600 Salop 71 453 10 40 123 900 429 6 o Cheshire 66 700 000 018 64 400 030 016 39 Warwick 79 1000 041 850. 800 200 2000 1 Devon 64 10 00 030 120 60 11 00 033 022 1439 |