Groughton, John Cain Hobhouse, but baron THE SUBSTANCE OF SOME LETTERS, WRITTEN BY AN ENGLISHMAN RESIDENT AT PARIS DURING THE LAST REIGN OF THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON. WITH An Appendix OF OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS. "How nations sink, by darling schemes opprest Vanity of Human Wishes. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. LONDON: PRINTED for ridgways, 170, PICCADILLY; By T. Davison, Lombard-street, Whitefriars. 1816. WE have received an answer from the Duke of Albufera: he regrets that the minister Count Mollien's letter cannot in this case be immediately attended to, nor any request short of a positive order from the minister of war, who, together with the minister of the interior, has transmitted express commands to all the prefects, commanders of gendarmery, and the government agents on the frontiers, to prevent the passage to and from the enemy; for so it appears Switzerland is now to |