Stand Up, America!-A Grassroots Bible Study to Restore Righteousness to the LandXulon Press, 2006 - 320 pages Traces America's foundation to a colonial covenant that was linked to the Ten Commandments. America owes its existence to that covenant. This book explores America's spiritual roots, self-government flowing from God's covenant with the people, and biblical principles for restoration. |
Table des matières
Dedication | ix |
CHAPTER 1 | 17 |
Impact of Legal Philosophers Democratic Theorists on Americas Foundation | 23 |
Political Freedom | 54 |
CHAPTER | 75 |
Abrahamic Covenant | 83 |
CHAPTER 4 | 90 |
Mayflower Compact | 97 |
Transition to Spiritual Kingdom | 163 |
CHAPTER | 169 |
Principles of Corporate Revival | 176 |
CHAPTER | 197 |
Biblical Model of Rights | 204 |
CHAPTER 8 | 221 |
CHAPTER 9 | 251 |
Why we Confront Leaders | 257 |
Judicial Evidence | 104 |
Perilous Times | 125 |
Historical Legal Issues | 131 |
Economic Global Signs | 142 |
CHAPTER | 149 |
Economic ImplicationsMark of the Beast | 157 |
287 | |
Pillars of Americas Freedom | 293 |
Disciplines of Liberty | 308 |
Sources | 315 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
Abraham abuse Acts Amendment America American Revolution Anti-Christ Apostles authority baptism believe Bible Biblical blessings chapter Christian Church civil colonies colonists Commandments confrontation Congress conscience Constitution & Religion Continental Congress Country Encyclopedia covenant David Barton Declaration of Independence Deuteronomy divine earth Earth Charter Encyclopedia Of Quotations enemies England established evil faith Fame Publishing fear Federer Founding Fathers freedom God's laws God's Word Gospel grateful to Almighty hath heart Holy Spirit human inalienable rights injustice Isaiah Israel Jesus Christ Jews John John Winthrop Judeo-Christian judgment justice King leaders liberty lives Luke Matthew Mayflower Compact moral nation obey offenses oppressed Original Intent-The Courts ourselves peace Peter political prayer Preamble President promise Proverbs Puritans religious repentance restore Revelation righteousness Romans Samuel Adams Scriptures self-government stand Ten Commandments thee thine thou shalt truth tyranny U.S. Constitution U.S. Supreme Court unto WallBuilder WallBuilder Press 2002 William worldview