Reflections on Constitutional LawUniversity Press of Kentucky, 25 août 2006 - 288 pages Constitutional scholar George Anastaplo believes that many judges and lawyers draw upon a skimpy, if not simply unreliable, knowledge of history. He proposes that in order to write reliable opinions, these men and women must have a deeper understanding of the enduring principles upon which the law naturally tends to draw. In the study of constitutional law, Anastaplo argues that it is more important to weigh what the Supreme Court has said and how that is saidÑwhat considerations it weighed and howÑthan it is to know what it is recorded that the Court Òdecided.Ó In Reflections on Constitutional Law, Anastaplo makes the case for a renewed focus on a now often-overlooked aspect of the study of law. He emphasizes the continuing significance and importance of the Constitution by thoroughly examining the most important influences on the American constitutional system, including the Magna Carta and the Declaration of Independence. |
Table des matières
3 | |
9 | |
15 | |
21 | |
27 | |
6 Marbury v Madison 1803 | 33 |
7 Swift v Tyson 1842 Erie Railroad COmpany v Tompkins 1938 | 40 |
8 Martin v Hunters Lessee 1816 MCulloch v Maryland 1819 | 47 |
A False Start? | 132 |
More Flase Starts? | 139 |
10 Shelly v Kraemer 1948 Brown v Board of Education 1954 1955 | 146 |
11 Affirmative Action and the Fourteenth Amendment | 153 |
12 San Antonio Independent School District v Rodriguez 1973 | 160 |
13 Whose Votes Count for Whatand When? | 167 |
Appendix A | 175 |
Appendix B | 187 |
9 Gibbons v Ogden 1824 | 53 |
10 Burdens on Interstate Commerce 19051981 | 60 |
11 Missouri v Holland 1920 Wickard v Filburn 1942 | 67 |
12 The Presidency and the Constitution | 74 |
13 A Government of Enumerated Powers? | 81 |
1 Realism and the Study of Constitutional Law | 91 |
2 The Challenges of Skepticism for the Constitutionalist | 97 |
The Erie Problem Reconsidered | 102 |
4 The Confederate Constitution 18611865 | 108 |
5 The Japanese Relocation Cases 1943 1944 | 114 |
6 Calder v Bull 1798 Barron v Baltimore 1833 | 120 |
Untitled | 126 |
Appendix C | 193 |
Appendix D | 203 |
Appendix E | 211 |
Appendix F | 225 |
Appendix G | 227 |
Appendix H | 237 |
Appendix I | 239 |
Appendix J | 257 |
261 | |
About the Author | 269 |
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Expressions et termes fréquents
Acts of Congress aforesaid American appointed Articles of Confederation authority century Chief Justice circumstances citizens Civil Commerce Clause Commerce Power common law Confederate Constitution congress assembled Congressional considered Constitution of 1787 constitutional law courses constitutionality controversy Convention Country critical Declaration of Independence depend developed district document duties effect elected electors equal Erie Erie doctrine established evident Executive exercise Fourteenth Amendment George Anastaplo governor granted House of Representatives insistence issue judges Judicial Review jurisdiction Korematsu land least legislation legislatures liberties limited litigation Magna Carta Marbury matters ment Ninth Amendment Northwest Ordinance noticed one’s Opinion perhaps person political privileges and immunities question racial railroad ratification recognized regulate relied reminded respect rules Section seems seen Senate slavery slaves statute suggested Supremacy Clause Supreme Court territory thereafter thereby thereof things tion Tompkins treaties Union United States Constitution United States Supreme unless Vice President vote whole number