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Books of the Second Auditor, same period
books of the Treasury, receivers of land offices,

period -

Vol. No.

1 16

books of the revenue, collectors of the customs 2
books of the Third Auditor

Doks of the Register of the Treasury

Appropriations and expenditures.)

ed States, resolutions of Legislature of Ken-

tucky, in relation to the

resolutions of Legislature of Rhode

Island, same subject

notes deposited in, &c.

ral States, condition of, in 1840

trict of Columbia, condition of, in 1840

Governor's islands, New York, in relation to

letter from Mr. Rives, in relation to the public

1 17


2 62





3 106

3 89

4 111

2 48

3 101

2 36

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Academy, West Point, report of Chief Engineer, in relation to

Vol. No.

its condition, &c., in 1840, (documents
with President's message, p. 109)

report of majority and minority of the

board of visiters, (documents with Pre-

sident's message, p. 143)

1 2

memorial of Alden Partridge, in relation

to its organization

2 68

estimates of appropriations for 1841
comparative view of annual cost, &c.,
from 1837 to 1840

3 103

3 105

[blocks in formation]

Accounts of the Treasurer of the United States

African slave-trade, correspondence, &c., since March 3, 1837,


[blocks in formation]

Alabama, resolutions of Legislature, against protective tariff
Appropriations, general estimate of, for 1841, accompanying
annual report on the state of the finances

estimate of, payment of pensioners in 1841

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

2 30

[blocks in formation]

estimates of, for improvement of rivers, roads, &c.,
under charge of military engineers, for 1841,
(documents with President's message, p. 170)
estimates of, under charge of the topographical
engineers, (documents with President's mes-
sage, p. 173)

[blocks in formation]

Arkansas river, annual report of engineer on progress, &c., for
the improvement of, (documents with Presi-
dent's message, p. 127)

estimate of sum required in 1841, (documents
with President's message, p. 170)

Army, report of the Secretary of War on its condition, &c., in
1840, (documents with President's message, p. 19)
annual report of the Major General, showing its organiza-
tion, strength, distribution, &c., in 1840, (documents
with President's message, p. 31)

number of troops under the command of General Armis-
tead in Florida, (documents with President's message,
p. 50)

plan to provide for infirm officers, so as to render the
army more effective, (documents with President's mes-
sage, p. 32)

estimates of appropriations for, in 1841
register of the, for 1841

(proper) and military academy, comparative statement of
the average annual cost of each individual from 1837
to 1840, inclusive, with number of officers and men
Arms, &c., report of board of officers on the subject of European
improvement in the manufacture, &c., of, (docu-
ments with President's message, p. 59)
manufactured and issued to the militia and troops in


[blocks in formation]

1840, (documents with President's message, pp.

78, 83, and 85)


Armories, national, statement of expenses, &c., in 1840
Artillery system, report of board of officers appointed to examine
European improvements in the manufacture of arms, &c.,
(documents with President's message, p. 59)



Assays of gold and silver coins


[blocks in formation]

Attorneys General, opinions of, construction of public laws, &c. 6 123


Balances on the books of the Fourth Auditor prior to September,


1 10

Balances on the books of the Second Auditor, same period

on the books of the Treasury, receivers of land offices,

same period

Vol. No.
1 16

1 17


2 62



on the books of the revenue, collectors of the customs 2
on the books of the Third Auditor

on the books of the Register of the Treasury

Balances. (See Appropriations and expenditures.)
Bank of the United States, resolutions of Legislature of Ken-

tucky, in relation to the



resolutions of Legislature of Rhode

[blocks in formation]

Banks in the District of Columbia, condition of, in 1840

2 48

Bedloe's and Covernor's islands, New York, in relation to

wharves at

3 101

Blair and Rives, letter from Mr. Rives, in relation to the public

2 36

Boundary, northern, of Missouri, copy of act of Missouri con-


2 46

northeastern, of the United States, in relation to the

[blocks in formation]

Bounty Land Office, annual report of its operations in 1840,
abstract of warrants issued, &c., (documents with President's
message, p. 401)

1 2

Bucksport, Maine, memorial of citizens, reduction in salaries of
public officers, &c.

[blocks in formation]

Buildings, public, in Washington, contracts on account of,

[blocks in formation]

Building for custom-house, Philadelphia, documents in relation to 2


Canada, in relation to the burning of the steamboat Caroline
Caroline, same subject

Canal, Miami, relative to sale of land on route of

Census, sixth, slaves in Connecticut

China, in relation to our commerce with

political relations with the United States

Chickasaw fund, statement of, in 1840


Choctaw treaty, Dancing Rabbit creek, manner of fulfilling
Clerk House of Representatives, contingent expenses in 1840

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

letter from Mr. Rives, in rela-

tion to the public printing -

2 36

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