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LETTER from his Royal Highness the Prince Regent to the Duke of York,
and Answer from Earl Grey and Lord Grenville..............................

DECLARATION of the Court of Great Britain respecting the Orders in Coun-

cil, April 23, 1812



FINANCE ACCOUNTS OF GREAT BRITAIN for the Year ended 5th Jan. 1812
FINANCE ACCOUNTS of IRELAND for the Year ended 5th Jan. 1812
REPORT on the Nightly Watch and Police of the Metropolis
..... on American Claimants' Petition


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App. i

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PETITIONS respecting the Orders in Council, 1, 212, 329, 424, 425, 1057, 1058,

1118, 1152.

------respecting the Renewal of the East India Company's Charter 89, 111,
118, 119, 182, 195, 213, 216, 235, 243, 270, 295, 325, 365, 407,
421, 422, 463, 706, 716,723, 1049, 1086, 1087, 1115, 1125,
1135, 1155

------ respecting the Claims of the Roman Catholics, 221, 367, 400, 401,

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from Preston respecting Peace, Parliamentary Reform, &c....... 108

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