THE SUBSTANCE OF SOME LETTERS WRITTEN FROM PARIS DURING THE LAST REIGN OF THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON; AND ADDRESSED PRINCIPALLY TO THE RIGHT HON. LORD BYRON. BY J. HOBHOUSE, OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, A. M. & F. R. S. AJKE WITH An Appendix OF OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS. SECOND EDITION, BIBLIOTHEEK SUBSTANCE OF SOME Ꮮ Ꭼ Ꭲ Ꭲ Ꭼ Ꭱ Ꮪ WRITTEN FROM PARIS DURING THE LAST REIGN OF THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON. LETTER XX. Paris, June 7. THE chambers met on Saturday last. The peers at the Luxembourgh, the commons at the palace of the legislative body. The former chose two secretaries, Messrs. Thibeaudeau and Valence, who, together with the president Cambaceres, and the Counts Sieyes and Roederer, were named members of a commission for the internal regulation of the assembly. The representatives met at nine o'clock in the morning; the elder member took the chair, and two |