(vi) one, which I am almost ashamed to intimate-but which, justice to myself, as well as a fincere defire, by infuring flability to this work, to be as far serviceable to the community, of which I have the honour to be a member, as my flender talents and my fituation will admit, forbid me to pafs over in filence. This shoal, the danger of which I deprecate, is the want of a due punctuality in paying the subscriptions, These being finall, each individual is but too apt to suppose it a matter of great indifference whether he pays his quota at the t'me appointed, or in fix or twelve months afterwards. This is a great miftake: for let it be observed that the aggregate of these sums (however trivial and infignificant each may be, taken separately) is the only fund for defraying the great and inevitable expenfes of the undertaking. These cannot be deferred. They are all payable in ready money: and it would but ill fatisfy the paper-maker, the journeyman printer, &c. &c. to tell them, when money was due to them, that I could not pay it :-that I expected money from my fubfcribers in two, three, or four months;-and that I should then pay them. If I told them such a Canterbury tale, I need not expelt any more of their services. It is, further, to be observed, that the expense of sending twice, thrice, or, as is often the cafe, four times for the amount of a fubfcription, bears no finall proportion to the sum received. After this explanation, it must be unnecessary to request of those subscribers, who with success to the Museum, or defire its proprietor may receive a reward for his earnest endeavours to gratify them, that they will, at the completion of each volume, renew their fubfcription for the fucceeding one, Thole gentlemen, who, agreeably to the original plan, have already doneshis, are entitled to my thanks. I am, with due regard and esteem, Lewes, July 27,1787. 1 the public's devoted servant, NOTE. M. C. • Need I appeal to the printers of deceased news-papers and magazines, to prove the ruinous confequences of this mistake ? Mr. John Deverel, Col. Ebenezer Hunting Mr. J. Dawes, jun. John Blagge, efq. ton, Norwich Mr. Boflenger Foller, Mr. Samuel Gore, Mess. Hudson & Goodwin, Hartford. E. Kirby, efq. Litch field. Newbury Port.. Mr. Jofeph Pope, Mr. William Spooner, Mr. Anth. L. Bleecker, John Crugar, efq. efq. Mr. Robt. Cox, Mr. Robert Carter, Meff. A. and D. Currie, John Cozine, efq. Messrs. Coftar and co. Mr. Malcolm Campbeli, Hon. St. John de Crevecœur, his most chriftian majefty's conful general to the state of New York. Balthazer De Haert, esq. Mr. John Delafield, Mr. Cornelius Davis, Mr. Francis Durand, Mr. Thomas Durie, Edward Dunscombe,efq. Mr. George Douglas, His excellency John Mr. Samuel Kempton, burne, Rev. Brandt Schuyler efq. Meff. Le Roy & Bayard Daniel M'Cormick,efq. Monteros. His excellency count Samuel Ofgood, efq. Daniel Phoenix, esq. certown. Henry Rutgers, esq. Mr. William Rogers, Capt. John Stagg, jun. bart. his Dr. James Tillary, Mr. Silvester Tiffany,do. Claverack. Mr. S. P. Van Renssel laire, Col. Marinus Willet, Mr. Webster, Albany, New Jersey. Rev. J. F. Armstrong, well, Thomas Anderson, efq. Suflex county, Elisha Boudinot, Newark, efq. Elias Boudinot, efq. E. lizabeth-town Mr. Bell, ditto VOL. II. No. I. Hon. David Brearley, Hon. J. Chetwood, efq. Clofophic society, Jeffrey Clarke, efq.Glou cefter J.Corshon, efq. Amwell, ark. Mr. Nathan Combes, Lamberton. Mr. Alex. Chambers, zabethtown. Mr. J. Davan, ditto. Davenport, efq. Woodbury. J. Fell, efq. Petersfield. Мг.. J. field. Gibbs, Mans Mr. Peter Gordon, Mr.I. Hedden, Newark. ington. Abraham Hunt, efq. Mr. Aaron Howell, B Mr. A. Kirkpatrick, New Brunswick. His excellency William Livingston, efq. govenor of the state of New Jersey. Wm. Livingston. jun. esq. Elizabethtown. J. Lambert, efq. Hun terdon county. Samuel Leake, efq. William Lowry, efq. Hunterdon county. Mr.S.Mickle, Woodb'y Mr. Jofeph Milnor, Walter Minto, L. L. D. Princeton, Mr. S. Morford, do. Capt. J. Moore, do. John Neilson, efq. New Brunswick. Mr. Olden, Princeton. Robert Ogden, efq. Suffex co. Mr. W. Parret, Salem. Hon. Wm. Patterfon, esq. member of the fenate of the united tates., Mr. Vincent Pelofi, Mr. Prentiss, Elizabeth James Sterling, esq.ditto, to, Mr. S. J. Smith, ditto, Hon. Ifaac Smith, efq. second justice of the fupreme court, John Singer, efq. Samuel Witham Stock ton, efq. ١٩٠ Thos. Sinnickson, efq. Salem, R.S.Smith, esq. Moore's ! Charles Biddle, efq. fecretary to the fupreme executive council, Hon, William Bingham, Phineas Bond, efq. his efq. British majesty's confol. William Bradford, esq. attorney general. Edward Burd, efq. Mr. Hugh Boyle, Mr. Jofeph Ball, Mr. Peter Brown, Mr. Hillary Baker, Mr. Alexander Boland, Mr. Andrew Brown, Mr. James Barr, Mr. Clement Biddle, Mr. Thomas Britton, Dr. Reading Beatty, Bucks Conuty, Mr. James Bringhurst, John Boyd, efq. Nor thumberland, Mr. Joshua Byron, Mr. Thomas Betagh. Mr. William Bell, Captain Witham Bell," Mr. Thomas Bartow, Jas. Campbell, efq. do. Monf. le Ray de Chaus Mr. William Coxe, jun. Mr. Thomas Dobbins, ditto. Thomas Duncan, efq. tur, Mr. Joseph Dugan, |