THE OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, LL.D. F.R.S. &c. MINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY FROM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AT THE COURt of france, AND FOR THE TREATY OF PEACE COMPRISING A SERIES OF LETTERS ON MISCELLANEOUS, LITERARY, AND POLITICAL SUBJECTS: WRITTEN BETWEEN THE YEARS 1753 AND 1790; ILLUSTRATING THE Memoirs of his public and Private Life, AND DEVELOPING THE SECRET HISTORY OF HIS POLITICAL TRANSACTIONS AND NEGOCIATIONS. WILLIAM TEMPLE FRANKLIN. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. SECOND EDITION, WITH ADDITIONS. LONDON: PRINTED FOR HENRY COLBURN, PUBLIC LIBRARY, CONDUIT STREET, HANOVER SQUARE. 1817. MEN OF [THIS PART, consisting entirely of Letters and Documents relative to the same subject, namely-Overtures and Nego- tiations for Peace and Commerce between Great Britain and the United States of America; it has been deemed unne- cessary to precede each Letter (as in the former Parts) by a PAGE William Alexander, Esq. to Dr. Franklin, April 4, 1778 Dr. Franklin to Dr. Baueroft, April 16, 1778 Dr. Franklin to Count de Vergennes, April 24, 1778 Count de Vergennes to Dr. Franklin, April 25, 1778 D. Hartley, Esq. to Dr. Franklin, April 29, 1778 Dr. Franklin in answer to the foregoing, April 29, 1778 25 Anonymous to Dr. Franklin, May 20, 1778 in answer to the propositions of quitting the alliance with France, Feb. 3, 1779 to David Hartley, Esq. Feb. 22, 1779 to ditto, March 21,1779 From D. Hartley, Esq. to Dr. Franklin, April 22, 1779. to ditto, Feb. 2, 1780 37 38 45 48 From D. Hartley, Esq. to Dr. Franklin, July 17, 1780 51 Dr. Franklin to His Excellency J. Adams, Esq. April to D. Hartley, Esq. June 30, 1781 37:55 to His Excellency J. Adams, Esq. Oct. 5,1781. William Alexander, Esq. to Dr. Franklin, Dec. 15, 1781 53 to Dr. Franklin, P. S. Jan. 8, 1782 Dr. Franklin to D. Hartley, Esq. Jan. 15, 1782 1782 D. Hartley, Esq. to Dr. Franklin, Feb. 1, 1782 Dr. Franklin to D. Hartley, Esq. Feb. 16 1782 D. Hartley, Esq. to Dr. Franklin, Feb. 28, 1782 |