Liars for Jesus: The Religious Right's Alternate Version of American History Vol. 1, Volume 1Liars for Jesus, 2006 - 532 pages Liars for Jesus debunks many of the historical lies invented and used by the Christian nationalist history revisionists in their efforts to further their far right political agenda and destroy the wall of separation between church and state in America. Liars for Jesus is not a book about religion. It is a history book, presenting and fully documenting the true stories and historical facts that are distorted in the "Christian nation" pseudo-history promoted by the religious right. |
Table des matières
The Northwest Ordinance | 31 |
Indian Treaties and Indian Schools | 71 |
Propagating the Gospel Among the Heathen? | 123 |
Thomas Jefferson and Public Education | 157 |
Treaties with the Barbary States | 281 |
Treaties with Christian Nations | 319 |
James Madisons Detached Memoranda | 325 |
The Election of 1800 | 357 |
More Lies About Benjamin Franklin | 411 |
More Lies About Thomas Jefferson | 425 |
Jefferson Madison and Blackstone? | 461 |
497 | |
Expressions et termes fréquents
According Aitken Amendment appointed appropriation approved Article Beliles Bible Society bill Blackstone Blackstone's Cabell Catholic chaplains Christian Indians church claim College committee common law Congress Manuscript Division Constitution Continental Congress contract schools Convention Cooper Cord David Barton debate Detached Memoranda Eaton Eidsmoe elected establish federal Federalists funds George Washington Hamet included James Brown James Madison John Adams Justice Kaskaskia land grants legislature letter Liars for Jesus Library of Congress ment mentioned minister misquote mission missionaries Moravians nation Northwest Ordinance Northwest Territory Ohio Company opinion Philadelphia political prayers Presbyterian President printing professor proposed provisions Public Statutes quotes reason religion religious right American request Richard Peters right American history sects Senate Statutes at Large story taxes Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Memorial tion treaty Treaty of Tripoli Tripoli United Brethren University of Virginia vote wanted Washington D.C. William words Writings wrote