The whole of their wages shall be due, if they die on the Voyage home. If seamen be engaged on the profit or freight of the vessel, their whole part shall be due, if they die after the commencement of the voyage. The wages of the seamen killed in defending the ship, shall be entirely due for the whole voyage, if the ship arrive safe. Art. 266. Seamen who are taken on board of the ship, and made slaves, can have no claim on the master, owners, or freighters, for the payment of their ransom. They shall be paid their wages up to the day of their capti vity. Art. 267. If a seaman be taken and made slave, in consequence of being sent out at sea, or on shore, on the service of the ship, he shall have a right to the full payment of his wages. He shall be entitled to an indemnity for his ransom, if the ship arrive safe. Art. 268. The indemnity is due by the owners of the vessel, if the seaman has been sent out at sea, or on shore, on the service of the vessel. The indemnity is due by the owners of the vessel and of the cargo, if the seaman has been sent out at sea, or on shore, in the service of the vessel and cargo. Art. 269. The amount of the indemnity is fixed at 600 francs, (about 120 dollars.) The collection and application of which shall be made according to the mode determined by the government, in a regulation relative to the ransom of captives. Art. 270. Every seaman who produces satisfactory proof of having been discharged without a valid cause, has a right to indemnity from the master. The indemnity is fixed at one third of the seaman's wages, if the discharge took place before the commencement of the voyage. The indemnity is fixed at the whole amount of his wages and his expenses of return, if the discharge took place during the course of the voyage. Le capitaine ne peut, dans aucun des cas ci-dessus, répéter le montant de l'indemnité contre les propriétaires du navire. Il n'y a pas lieu à indemnité, si le matelot est congédié avant la clôture du rôle d'équipage. Daus aucun cas, le capitaine ne peut congédier un matelot dans les pays étrangers. Art. 271. Le navire et le fret sont spécialement affectés aux loyers des matelots. Art. 272. Toutes les dispositions concernant les loyers, pansements et rachat des matelots, sont communes aux officiers et à tous autres gens de l'équipage. TITRE VI. Des Chartes-parties, Affrètements, ou Nolissements. Art. 273. Toute convention pour louage d'un vaisseau, appelée charte-partie, affrètement, ou nolissements, doit être rédigée par écrit. Elle énonce, Le nom et le tonnage du navire. Le nom du capitaine. Les noms du fréteur et de l'affréteur. Le lieu et le temps convenus pour la charge et pour la décharge. Le prix du fret ou nolis. Si l'affrètement est total ou partiel. L'indemnité convenue pour les cas de retard. Art. 274. Si le temps de la charge et de la décharge du navire n'est point fixé par les conventions des parties, il est réglé suivant l'usage des lieux. Art. 275. Si le navire est frété au mois, et s'il n'y a convention contraire, le fret court du jour où le navire a fait voile. The master cannot, in neither of the above cases, demand the amount of the indemnity from the owners of the vessel. There is no right to indemnity, if the seaman be discharged before the completion of the shipping articles. In no case can the master discharge a seaman in a foreign country. Art. 271. The ship and the freight are specially bound for the seamen's wages. Art. 272. All the provisions of the law concerning the wages, medical treatment, and ransom of seamen, are equally applicable to the officers and other persons of the crew. TITLE VI. Of Charter-Parties and Affreightment. Art. 273. Every agreement for hiring a vessel called a charter-party, or affreightment, must be in writing. It specifies, The name and the tonnage of the vessel. The name of the captain. The names of the letter to freight and the freighter, that is, the owner and the merchant. The place and the time agreed upon for the lading and the discharge. The price of the freight. Whether the affreightment be total, or partial, that is, for the whole, or a part of the vessel. The demurrage, or indemnity, agreed upon in cases of delay. Art. 274. If the time of lading and discharge of the vessel be not fixed, by the agreement between the parties, it shall be regulated by the usage of the places of lading and discharge. Art. 275. If the vessel be freighted by the month, and if there be no agreement to the contrary, the freight runs from the day of the sailing of the vessel. Art. 276. Si, avant le départ du navire, il y a interdiction de commerce avec le pays pour lequel il est destiné, les conventions sont résolues sans dommages-intérêts de part ni d'autre. Le chargeur est tenu des frais de la charge et de la décharge de ses marchandises. Art. 277. S'il existe une force majeure qui n'empêche que pour un temps la sortie du navire, les conventions subsistent, et il n'y a pas lieu à dommages-intérêts à raison du retard. Elles subsistent également, et il n'y a lieu à aucune augmentation de fret, si la force majeure arrive pendant le voyage. Art. 278. Le chargeur peut, pendant l'arrêt du navire, faire décharger ses marchandises à ses frais, à condition de les recharger ou d'indemniser le capitaine. Art. 279. Dans le cas de blocus du port pour lequel le navire est destiné, le capitaine est tenu, s'il n'a des ordres contraires, de se rendre dans un des ports voisins de la même puissance où il lui sera permis d'aborder. Art. 280. Le navire, les agrès ou apparaux, le fret et les marchandises chargées, sont respectivement affectés à l'exécution des conventions des parties. TITRE VII. Du Connaissement. Art. 281. Le connaissement doit exprimer la nature et la quan tité ainsi que les espèces ou qualités des objets à transporter. Il indique, Le nom du chargeur. Le nom et l'adresse de celui à qui l'expédition est faite. Art. 276. If, before the departure of the vessel, an interdiction of commerce take place with the country to which she is bound, the charter-party or agreement between the parties is dissolved, without any liability on either side for damages. The shipper is liable for the expenses of lading and unlading his goods. Art. 277. If superior force prevent the vessel, only for a short time from putting to sea, the charter-party or agreement subsists, and there is no cause for damages on account of the delay. The agreement remains equally in force, and there can be no increase of freight, if the detention by superior force happen during the voyage. Art. 278. The shipper may, during the detention of the vessel, cause his goods to be unladen at his own expense, on condition of reshipping them, or of indemnifying the master. Art. 279. In case of blockade of the port whither the vessel is bound, the master is required, if he have no contrary orders, to go to one of the neighbouring ports of the same nation, in which he may be permitted to enter. Art. 280. The vessel, the rigging, and apparel, the freight, and the goods laden on board, are respectively bound for the performance of the charter-party, or agreement, between the parties. TITLE VII. Of the Bill of Lading. Art. 281. The bill of lading must express the nature and the quantity as well as the species or qualities of the articles to be transported. It mentions, The name of the shipper. The name and the address of the person to whom the shipment is consigned. The name and the domicil of the captain, or master. |