British and Foreign State PapersH.M. Stationery Office, 1829 |
Table des matières
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Autres éditions - Tout afficher
British and Foreign State Papers Great Britain. Foreign Office,Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office Affichage du livre entier - 1838 |
British and Foreign State Papers, Volume 83 Great Britain. Foreign Office,Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office Affichage du livre entier - 1897 |
British and Foreign State Papers Great Britain. Foreign Office,Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office Affichage du livre entier - 1913 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
American Article authority autres Brazil Brig Britain Britannick Calabar Callava Cape Captain Cargo Castlereagh charge Citizens claim Collier Colombia Colonel Colonies Commander commerce Commissioners communicate Congress Constitution Copy Corps Législatif Cortès Country Court d'Etat declared Decree Département Dépenses Députés deux Ditto Don Andrew droits duty Earl of Clancarty été être execution fait Foreign French Gaviao générale Government Governor Havannah honour inclosed Inclosure Instructions Island J. W. Croker justice Laws Letter liberty Lord Lordship Majesty's Majesty's Government Marquess of Londonderry ment Minister Mississippi Mixed Commission Nation navigation Negroes Officers Parties Ports Portugal Portuguese Pouvoir Power present President Provinces publick qu'elle qu'il received Republick respect Revenue River Royaume Schooner Secretary sera seront Ship Sierra Leone Silvestre Pinheiro Ferreira Slave-trade somme Spain Spanish Stipulation Sublime Porte Surinam Syndicat d'Amortissement Territory tion trade Treaty of 1783 Undersigned United Vessel Viscount Castlereagh
Fréquemment cités
Page 446 - Toutes contributions directes ou indirectes autres que celles autorisées par la présente loi, à quelque titre et sous quelque dénomination qu'elles se perçoivent, sont formellement interdites, à peine, contre les autorités qui les ordonneraient, contre les employés qui confectionneraient les rôles et tarifs...
Page 446 - ... comme concussionnaires, sans préjudice de l'action en répétition, pendant trois années, contre tous receveurs, percepteurs ou individus qui auraient fait la perception, et sans que, pour exercer cette action devant les tribunaux, il soit besoin d'une autorisation préalable.
Page 234 - Venerable, off the coast of Holland, the i2th of October, by log (nth1 three PM Camperdown ESE eight mile. Wind N. by E. Sir, I have the pleasure to acquaint you, for the information of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, that...
Page 63 - Constitution from abundant caution has. declared, "that the migration or importation of such persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year 1808.
Page 383 - Vessel manifestly built for warlike purposes, and about to depart The United States, of which the Cargo shall principally consist of arms and munitions of War...
Page 381 - And be it further enacted, that if any Person shall, within the Territory or Jurisdiction of The United States, begin or set on foot, or provide or prepare the means for, any military expedition or enterprise, to be carried on from thence...
Page 382 - State, or of any colony, district, or people ; it shall be lawful for the President of the United States, or such other person as he shall have empowered for that purpose, to employ such part of the land or naval forces of the United States...
Page 553 - Passamaquoddy as are claimed by both parties shall remain in the possession of the party in whose occupation they may be at the time of the Exchange of the Ratifications of this Treaty until the decision respecting the title to the said Islands shall have been made in conformity with the fourth Article of this Treaty.
Page 380 - ... colony, district, or people, to cruise or commit hostilities against the subjects, citizens, or property of any foreign prince or state, or of any colony, district, or people with whom the United States are at peace...
Page 603 - The navigation of the river Mississippi from its source to the ocean, shall forever remain free and open to the subjects of Great Britain and the citizens of the United States.