Anti-slav Political Writings, 1833-1860M.E. Sharpe |
Table des matières
The Patriarchal Institution as Described by Members of Its Own Family 1860 | 3 |
Lecture on Slavery No 1 1850 | 24 |
Selections from Slavery 1836 | 31 |
Declaration of Sentiments of the National AntiSlavery Convention 1833 | 41 |
Selections from Lectures on Slavery and its Remedy 1834 | 46 |
An Address to the Abolitionists of Massachusetts on the Subject of Political Action 1838 | 63 |
A Letter on the Political Obligation of Abolitionists with a Reply by William Lloyd Garrison 1839 | 75 |
Talk About Political Party 1842 | 98 |
Speech on Our Present AntiSlavery Duties 1850 | 170 |
Moral Responsibility of Statesmen 1854 | 187 |
What Is My Duty as an AntiSlavery Voter? and Fremont and Dayton 1856 | 202 |
House Divided Speech at Springfield Illinois 1858 | 212 |
Address to the Slaves of the United States of America 1843 | 223 |
No Compromise With Slavery 1854 | 230 |
No Rights No Duties Or Slaveholders as Such Have No Rights Slaves as Such Owe No Duties 1860 | 246 |
A Plan for the Abolition of Slavery 1858 | 261 |
Lecture Showing the Necessity for a Liberty Party and Setting Forth Its Principles Measures and Object 1844 | 107 |
Address of the Macedon Convention 1847 | 114 |
Slavery and the Constitution 1849 | 133 |
The Constitution of the United States Is It ProSlavery or AntiSlavery? 1860 | 144 |
The Two Altars Or Two Pictures in One 1851 | 159 |
Selected Bibliography | 265 |
269 | |
About the Editor | |
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Expressions et termes fréquents
abolish slavery abolition of slavery abolitionism abolitionists admit African slave trade American Anti-Slavery Society argument Aunt Hitty bill Birney bound candidates cause chattel citizens civil claim compromise Congress conscience Constitution Convention crime Declaration Declaration of Sentiments Democrats doctrine Douglass enslaved evil father favor Frederick Douglass freedom Fugitive Slave Garrison Garrisonians give heart hold human immediate emancipation influence insurrection justice Kansas labor legislation Liberty Party Lydia Maria Child master means measures ment moral mother nation nature Nebraska negro never No-Government non-resistance North Northern object opinion oppression persons political action political party President principles pro-slavery prohibition protection purpose question religious remedy Republican Party resist right and duty scheme secure Senate sentiment Slave Power slave trade slaveholding South Carolina Southern spirit Territory thing tion true truth Union United Virginia vote Whigs whole William Lloyd Garrison words wrong
Fréquemment cités
Page xiv - Deep rooted prejudices entertained by the whites; ten thousand recollections, by the blacks, of the injuries they have sustained; new provocations; the real distinctions which nature has made; and many other circumstances, will divide us into parties, and produce convulsions which will probably never end but in the extermination of the one or the other race.