American Political Rhetoric: A ReaderPeter Augustine Lawler, Robert Martin Schaefer Rowman & Littlefield, 2005 - 427 pages American Political Rhetoric is the only reader designed for introductory classes in American politics and government that is both focused on fundamental political principles and includes nothing but classic examples of our nation's political rhetoric. There are selections from The Federalist, Washington, Jefferson, Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King, Abigail Adams, the Seneca Falls Declaration, Franklin Roosevelt, Bill Clinton, and many others. In addition, there are generous excerpts from leading Supreme Court opinions on race, gender, school prayer, abortion, the separation of powers, federalism, and other key political issues. In American Political Rhetoric, Peter Lawler and Robert Schaefer contend that the study of politics is, first and foremost, for citizens, who learn best from considering the arguments put forward by our statesmen. The student enters into the controversy that animates political life, learning to form thoughtful opinions about basic political questions. Those opinions, in turn, form the foundation of the citizen's political activity in a democracy. The fifth edition is updated throughout and includes new readings on the President and Congress, race, gender, and foreign policy. |
Table des matières
Founding Principles | 1 |
Alexis de Tocqueville Democracy in America vol 1 1835 | 4 |
The Northwest Ordinance 1787 | 11 |
Federalist 9 | 12 |
Federalist 10 | 15 |
Federalist 47 | 21 |
Federalist 48 | 27 |
Federalist 49 | 31 |
The Port Huron Statement 1962 | 203 |
Lyndon B Johnson State of the Union Address 1964 | 206 |
Lyndon B Johnson Commencement Address at the University of Michigan 1964 | 208 |
Ronald W Reagan State of the Union Address 1982 | 210 |
Mario M Cuomo Speech Delivered at the Harvard Class Day 1985 | 214 |
Václav Havel Address to a Joint Session of Congress 1990 | 221 |
Dan Quayle Restoring Basic Values Strengthening the Family 1992 | 225 |
Bill Clinton Remarks at the Welfare Reform Bill Signing 19961 | 228 |
Federalist 51 | 34 |
Centinel Letter I 1787 | 38 |
James Madison On Property 1792 | 41 |
George Washington Farewell Address 1796 | 43 |
Thomas Jefferson Letter to John Adams 1813 | 44 |
Federalism | 45 |
Thomas Jefferson Notes on the State of Virginia 1784 | 49 |
McCulloch v Maryland 1819 | 50 |
Hammer v Dagenhart 1918 | 55 |
United States v Darby 1941 | 59 |
Ronald W Reagan State of the Union Address 1982 | 60 |
Garcia v San Antonio Metropolitan Transit Authority 1985 | 62 |
US Term Limits Inc v Thornton 1995 | 67 |
United States v Lopez | 72 |
President and Congress | 79 |
Federalist 63 | 84 |
Federalist 70 | 86 |
Federalist 71 | 87 |
Federalist 73 | 89 |
Abraham Lincoln Message to Congress in Special Session 1861 | 92 |
Franklin D Roosevelt Message to Congress 1942 | 94 |
The War Powers Resolution 1973 | 96 |
United States v Nixon 1974 | 98 |
Gerald R Ford The Nixon Pardon 1974 | 102 |
George H W Bush Message to the House of Representatives Returning without Approval the Foreign Relations Authorization Act 1989 | 103 |
George W Bush September 11 2001 2001 | 106 |
Rasul v Bush | 107 |
Richard B Cheney Remarks at the State Funeral for Ronald W Reagan 2004 | 115 |
Judiciary | 119 |
Federalist 78 | 120 |
Marbury v Madison 1803 | 126 |
Abraham Lincoln First Inaugural Address 1861 | 132 |
Robert H Bork Interpreting the Constitution 1987 | 138 |
Griswold v Connecticut 1965 | 140 |
Roe v Wade 1973 | 142 |
Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v Casey 1992 | 147 |
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Speaking in a Judicial Voice 1992 | 152 |
Stenberg v Carhart 2000 | 155 |
Lee v Weisman 1992 | 166 |
Santa Fe Independent School District v Jane Doe 2000 | 168 |
Constitutional Preservation and Political Change | 175 |
Address Before Young Mens Lyceum of Springfield Illinois 1838 | 176 |
What Sort of Despotism Democratic Nations Have to Fear 1840 | 183 |
Abraham Lincoln Final Text of the Address Delivered at the Dedication of the Cemetery at Gettysburg 1863 | 186 |
Franklin D Roosevelt Commonwealth Club Campaign Speech 1932 | 188 |
Franklin D Roosevelt Address to the Young Democratic Clubs of America 1935 | 197 |
Franklin D Roosevelt Fireside Chat on Party Primaries 1938 | 199 |
Franklin D Roosevelt Message on the State of the Union 1944 | 201 |
Bill Clinton Remarks on the Human Genome Project 2000 | 233 |
George W Bush Remarks on Stem Cell Research 2001 | 235 |
Civil Rights Race | 241 |
Sections of the US Constitution Concerning Slavery | 246 |
Thomas Jefferson Notes on the State of Virginia 1784 | 247 |
David Walker Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World 1829 | 248 |
Abraham Lincoln Speech on the Repeal of the Missouri Compromise 1854 | 251 |
Frederick Douglass Address for the Promotion of Colored Enlistment 1864 | 256 |
Alexander Stephens the Corner Stone Speech | 257 |
Plessy v Ferguson 1896 | 258 |
Brown v Board of Education 1954 | 259 |
Martin Luther King Jr Letter from a Birmingham Jail 1963 | 263 |
Martin Luther King Jr I Have A Dream 1963 | 277 |
Lyndon B Johnson Address on Voting Rights 1965 | 280 |
South Carolina v Katzenbach 1966 | 286 |
Regents of the University of California v Bakke 1978 | 289 |
Fullilove v Klutznick 1980 | 292 |
Richmond v J A Croson Co 1989 | 296 |
Adarand Constructors Inc v Pena 1995 | 302 |
Grutter v Bollinger 2003 | 305 |
Civil Rights Gender | 315 |
John Adams Letter to Abigail Adams 1776 | 316 |
Frederick Douglass Womans Suffrage Movement 1870 | 320 |
Jane Addams Why Women Should Vote 1910 | 323 |
Rostker v Goldberg 1981 | 326 |
Jeane Kirkpatrick Address to the Womens Forum 1984 | 328 |
From What to What? 1992 | 330 |
Romer v Evans 1996 | 333 |
Lawrence v Texas 2003 | 339 |
Foreign Policy | 347 |
Alexander Hamilton Pacificus Letter No 1 1793 | 348 |
James Madison Helvidius Letter No 1 1793 | 351 |
George Washington Farewell Address 1796 | 354 |
Franklin D Roosevelt Four Freedoms Speech 1941 | 357 |
George F Kennan The Source of Soviet Conduct 1947 | 360 |
The Truman Doctrine 1947 | 363 |
Dwight D Eisenhower Farewell Address 1961 | 366 |
John F Kennedy Ich bin ein Berliner 1963 | 369 |
Jimmy Carter Address at the University of Notre Dame 1977 | 370 |
Jeane Kirkpatrick Address Before the American Enterprise Institute 1981 | 375 |
Ronald W Reagan Address to the British Parliament 1982 | 381 |
Malcolm Wallop Defense Policy after the Cold War 1992 | 388 |
Richard Nixon Beyond Peace 1994 | 392 |
George W Bush Iraq Policy Speech 2003 | 394 |
The Constitution of the United States | 405 |
About the Editors | |
Expressions et termes fréquents
abortion Abraham Lincoln American authority believe bill Casey citizens Cold War Commerce Clause Congress Constitution Dagenhart decision declared democracy democratic deny discrimination dissenting duty economic effect Eisentrager elected equal protection Equal Protection Clause ernment established executive exercise fact federal Federalist force foreign policy Fourteenth Amendment Framers FRANKLIN D freedom fundamental habeas corpus homosexual human individual interest issue judges judgment judicial judiciary jurisdiction JUSTICE Justice Powell Law School legislative legislature liberty limited live majority means ment military moral nation nature necessary Negro opinion parties peace persons political President principles prohibited qualifications question race racial reason regulation representatives require respect responsibility Richard Nixon Ronald Reagan SECTION Senate slavery social society Soviet Soviet Union stare decisis statute student Supreme Court tion Union United violation vote welfare woman women
Références à ce livre
Teaching/writing in the Late Age of Print Jeffrey R. Galin,Carol Peterson Haviland,J. Paul Johnson Affichage d'extraits - 2003 |