DATE 11/18/77 IRVING'S COLUMBUS, ABRIDGED BY HIMSELF. The following notices of Irving's Columbus, abridged by himself, are inserted in the order in which they appeared in the respective newspapers, within a fortnight after the publication of the work. A great many other notices, equally valuable, are excluded, owing to their length, and their late appearance. From the New-York Evening Post, June, 1829. Abridgment of Irving's Columbus.-The Life of Columbus, abridged by Mr. Irving himself, has just been published by the Messrs. Carvill of this city. This work has been stereotyped, to meet the demand which, from the great popularity of the original, may be expected for the abridgment. The mechanical execution is neat. No person could be so competent as the author himself to abridge the Life of Columbus, writing with the contents of the original in his memory, understanding beforehand what is necessary to retain, and what will allow of being omitted, and performing his task with a facility and freedom that give the work the air of an unmutilated whole, and preserves the attractiveness and interest of the original. It will be seen on examination that Mr. Irving's abridgment contains all the facts which properly belong to the biography of Columbus, and the author has ingeniously contrived to retain the most beautiful and striking passages of the large work. We have somewhere seen a suggestion, that it might be used with advantage as a reading book in schools, and certainly, whether we regard the grace of style, the interest of the subject, or the purity and excellence of the more suggestions, we scarcely know of any fitter for the purpose. NOTICES. From the New-York Daily Advertiser, June, 1829. "Irving's Columbus," Abridged.-The Messrs. Carvill have just published an abridgment of this highly popular work, abridged by its highly popular author. It is designed for the use of schools, as well as for those private libraries in which the original work may not find so ready admittance; and is very handsomely executed on stereotype plates with good paper. From what we have been able to read, we have reason to believe that the clear, chaste, and beautiful style, peculiar to our distinguished countryman, will be found to be preserved, much to the ornament and value of the work; and as to the effects of the abridgment, we may give his opinion, as it coincides with our own: and this we copy in his own words, from his advertisement. "I trust I have given every thing of essential importance in the larger work, and have preserved those parts nearly entire which have been considered the most striking and characteristic. It is probable also that the narrative has gained in spirit in many parts, by the omission of details which caused prolixity, but which could not be omitted in what professed to be a complete and circumstantial history of the subject." Many of those details, which were preserved in the diaries of the voy. ages of Columbus, or recorded by subsequent writers, are necessarily as tiresome to a common reader as the facts they state were unimportant in their connexion or consequences; and we are of the opinion, that most persons will rise from the perusal of the abridgment with a more clear acquaintance with the life, character, and discoveries of the great navigator, as time is not given for the interest to flag. To schools, and to youth, this volume will be particularly acceptable. From the New-York American, June, 1829. Life of Columbus abridged.-Messrs. Carvill have just published in a duodecimo volume, stereotyped in distinct and clear characters, and upon very good paper, the promised abridgment, by Washington Irving, of his voluminous and deeply interesting Life of Columbus. The abridgment constitutes a volume of about 300 pages, and embodies, as the author himself assures us, and as, from glancing over the pages, we are disposed to think, "a satisfactory abstract of every thing of essential importance in the larger work." We hope this book may become a standard one in every school in our country; and thus, that the history of the first discovery of this continent-the most magnificent result of enduring courage and noble self-reliance, that ever rewarded the efforts of man, may, in all time hereafter, be taught to its inhabitants, through the glow. ing pages of an American writer. NOTICES. From the New-York Mercantile Advertiser, June, 1829. Life and Voyages of Columbus, by Washington Irving, (Abridgment. We have perused with an interest beyond our anticipation, this epitome of the life of the great navigator; for, long and intently as we had often dwelt on the former accounts of the extraordinary Genoese, we took up the work of Mr. Irving, doubtful of his ability, high as we rated it, to add any thing more than an amplified detail to the interesting story. We found it, however, to contain a succinct, yet full narrative of the life and fortunes of one who has been hitherto but imperfectly known to the two worlds which he honoured, written in pure English-in a style at once animated and graceful-perspicuous without labour, and polished without study. The beauties of history, in this volume, often possess the fascinations of poetry; and the reader, though not satiated with contemplating the scenes immediately presented, is hurried delightfully onward to others, equally absorbing, to the close of the volume. It is precisely such a book as should be put into the hands of the young; there is a vigour in its style that never flags, and an attraction that is not weakened by a re-perusal ; added to which, there is a vein of moral senti. ment pervading it, which must commend it to every instructor. From the Boston Courier, June, 1829. Life of Columbus.—G. & C. & H. Carvill, of New-York, have pub. lished in a neat duodecimo volume, an Abridgment of the Life of Columbus, by Washington Irving. This work has been prepared for the press by the author himself, and may therefore be considered as, in some degree, an original work. It ought to be adopted as a class book in academies, where it would not only be useful and entertaining as a piece of important history, but might be adopted as a specimen of elegant composition, and worthy of the imitation of students, who need an elegant and fascinating example of style. From the New-York Albion, June, 1829. Messrs. Carvill, booksellers, 103 Broadway, have just published, an abridgment of Washington Irving's Life of Columbus-the abridgment made by Mr. Irving himself. Of this work, the above named publishers have purchased the copyright, and the sale, we understand, has exceeded two thousand in a few days. It is quite remarkable to observe how fully the spirit of the original work is embodied in the abridgment-every fact of importance is preserved, and there is no risk in asserting, that as a school book, there is nothing extant that so correctly, and at the same time so beautifully, presents to the youthful mind the tale of the fate and fortunes of the great Columbus. NOTICES. From the Philadelphia National Gazette, June, 1829. Messrs. G. & C. & H. Carvill, Booksellers, of New-York, have published their stereotyped edition of "The Life and Voyages of Columbus, abridged by the author, Washington Irving." The abridgment forms a neat duodecimo volume. We have read the greater part of it, with the liveliest satisfaction. Mr. Irving has done justice to his great work in this elegant and sufficient compend; and no one but the author could have accomplished the task so happily in all respects. We feel entitled, and bound, to recommend it to teachers of youth, as a work eminently fit to he read in schools. For that use it possesses all the specific merits-comparative brevity, romantic interest, beauty of diction, valuable or necessary information. From the New-England Galaxy, June, 1829. Irving's Life of Columbus, abridged.—An abridgment of Mr. Irving's great work, made by himself, has just been published. We have read it with great pleasure, and are glad that the unprincipled attempt to anticipate this abridgment was so promptly met by public indignation, as to leave the work to him who could do it best. It is certain that no other person but the author could have abridged the Life of Columbus so well, or nearly so well. In its present form, this work cannot fail to become popular in the strictest sense of the word. It is not so large but that all may read it, and its literary excellence is of so high character, and the interest attached to the subject is so commanding, that all will read it with delight. In this abridgment nothing of the spirit of an original is wanting ; while no material facts are omitted, the story is condensed; it is less philosophical, but more animated; and the style, though less elaborate, is perhaps more vivacious and attractive. We think we have heard or seen it, stated somewhere, that Mr. Irving, in this abridgment, aimed at making a work proper to be used in schools. It is certainly remarkably well adapted to that use. Some of the principal schools in New-York have adopted it, and we hope their example will be followed. The subject of this work, and the admirable manner in which it is treated, alike recommend it; and the size and price now form no objection. LIFE AND VOYAGES OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, BY WASHINGTON IRVING. (ABRIDGED BY THE SAME.) Venient annis Sæcula seris, quibus Oceanus Ultima Thule. Seneca. Medea. THIRD EDITION. FIRST ON COMMON PAPER. STEREOTYPED BY JAMES CONNER, FOR G. & G. & H. CARVILL, 108 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. 1829. |