Printed for John Fielding No 23, Pater Noster Row, John Debrett opposite THE LITERATURE, HISTORY, POLITICS, ARTS, By the PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY of LONDON. Embellished with the following elegant Engravings: A ftriking likeness of the Hon. Captain James Luttrell, Commander of his Majefty's thip Mediator. 2. A large quarto perspective View of Mr. Hatchett's Houfe and Coach Mana factory in Long Acre. 3. An emblematical Frontispiece of Peace crowned with Victory. 4. A beautiful engraved Titlepage and Vignette. And Summer, a Sonnet, by Mr. Riley, Hints for fupplying Seamen and Soldiers A Letter to the Belfast Volunteers 17 Scott's Elements of Geometry Debates on the Motions of Thanks to the Commanders-On the Independence of America-On the Bill to prevent the Sale of Ships to Enemies-On India Affairs On Mr. Fox's Motion relative to the Provifional Treaty, &c. Theatrical Journal, with accounts of the Poetry-Ode for the New-Year-Idyl lion, by Aura-The Littleness of Hu- British Museum, supposed to be written by Spencer-Horace, Ode ix. lib. i. -Chanfon-Epitaph on Mifs Poole- PRINTED FOR JOHN FIELDING, N° 23, PATER-NOSTER ROW; [Entered at Stationers-Hall.] [ Price ONE SHILLING.1 ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. A. B. is requested to obferve, that the European Magazine admits no Critique on Books Tent by Anonymous Correfpondents. Dr. Percival's Account of Charles De Polier, Efq; ‘in our next. The two Lovers of Mufic shall be gratified in our next if poffible. The Continuation of the Misfortunes of the Seabright Family will appear in our next. Clio intreats the Indulgence of our Readers to next Month, for the Continuance of his Sentimental Tale of Henry and Eliza. We beg Mr. Delafield's Pardon for not noticing his former Letter, which we are forry to fay would materially hurt the Credit of our Mifcellany if inferted. We recommend this Gentleman to refume his former Signature of B. S. O. P. Q's Hints will be adopted, and we are happy in informing him, that we are already in Poffeffion of Facts. The Dying Child, Tho. Taylor, Eliza, Fidelio, and feveral other Faveurs are intended for our next. A private Letter will be fent to Paul Gubbin, We thank Amico for his good Opinions. Our Publifher is furnished with a fufficient Quantity of Strait Waistcoats to bind all his troublesome Correfpondents; Meffrs. M. and P. will take this Hint if they mean to keep their Bones whole. Myranda's Poetry is too incorrect for Infertion. The Favours of feveral Correspondents are under Confideration. f |