berland Road, p. 917. Ports and Harbors, for the public buildings. See Public Build- for lighthouses, beacons, &c. See Light- general and special civil and diplomatic Vol. ii.; in 1800, 62, 83; 1801, 117, 131, Vol. iv.; in 1824, 3, 11, 79; 1825, 79, Vol. v.; in 1836, 2, 62, 112; 1837, 163, money not to be paid to any one in arrears, for mission to Panama, iv. 158. in what currency to be paid, iv. 699, 771. title of appropriation bills, v. 537. $150,000.00 to be appropriated annually for Arbitrators, statute of, affirmed, iv. 262. received into the Union, v. 50, 58. propositions offered to, in relation to lands, note of acts respecting, iii. 493. authorized to sell school lands, v. 600. representatives in Congress. See Appor- lost in service of U. S., payment for. See right of the people to keep and bear, i. 21. temporary non-exportation of, i. 369, 444, supply to militia, i. 576; ii. 490; iii. 320. regulations of, ii. 342; iii. 450. Army, former establishment recognized and adapt- obsolete general acts, i. 119, 222, 241, 246, acts for regulation of, i. 279, 749; ii. 132, peace establishment, (present,) ii. 132, 290, rules and articles for government of, ii. 359; Scott's general regulation for, iii. 616, 686. act of 1842 to reduce the military establish- additional paymasters may be appointed, v. office of commissary-general of purchases who may be enlisted, ii. 135, 792, 795; iii. bounty to recruits, ii. 135, 788, 792; iii. 3. may be employed to enforce the neutrality officers not to be employed in civil works pay of brevet officers, iii. 427; v. 352. exemptions from arrest for debts, i. 751; ii. forage of officers, iii. 34, 299. obsolete regulations, ii. 674 ; iii. 297. commissary department, iii. 299, 427, 582, medical department, i. 721; ii. 132; iii. pensions to invalids and widows. See to suppress insurrections, and enforce laws, deserters in time of peace, how punished, number and pay of surgeons and assistant term of enlistment and pay, iv. 647. pay of volunteer and militia corps in the president may accept service of volunteers additional paymasters to be appointed, v. president may appoint assistant adjutant- commissariat of subsistence, v. 258. chaplain and schoolmaster at posts, v. 259. Vol. i. in 1789, 95; 1790, 104, 185; 1791, Vol. ii. in 1800, 66; 1801, 108; 1802, Vol. iii. in 1814, 104, 152; 1815, 222, Vol. iv. in 1824, 8, 36; 1825, 82; 1826, Vol. v. in 1836, 1, 6, 8, 17, 29, 33, 65; public service, i. 596. exemption of artificers in public service in District of Columbia. See District of Arsenals and Armories, establishment and regulation of, i. 352, 555; at St. Louis, (Missouri,) iv. 179. on Mobile or Pensacola Bay, iv. 304. at Springfield, (Mass.,) iv. 424; v. 17, 260, near Fayetteville, (N. C.,) v. 47. at Charleston, (S. C.,) v. 66. office of superintendent abolished, v. 512. Arson, in forts, navy-yards, &c., iv. 115. corps of, established, (obsolete,) ii. 710. felonious, iv. 121, 122. on mail carriers, iv. 108. in District of Columbia, iv. 448. Assays, annual, of foreign coins, iii. 779; iv. 681, Bank of Potomac, (D. C.) ii. 633; iii. 570, 620 ; Bank of the United States, first bank, i. 191, 196, 573; ii. 274, 423, 695. false plates of bills of, ini. 276. laws authorizing the U. S. Bank to pay notes of, receivable by U. S. iii. 274. Re- secretary of the treasury to act as agent directors of the bank to furnish statements secretary of the treasury authorized to suits by, not to abate on expiration of sale of two bonds of, authorized, v. 296. by commissioners, i. 334; ii. 679; iii. 350. | Barbary Powers, by judges, i. 91, 334. for good behavior, i. 609; v. 214. excessive, not to be required, i. 21. discharged in cases removed from state under neutrality acts, v. 214. in District of Columbia. 920. Bainbridge, Captain, consuls to, i. 256. See that title, p. Beacons. See Buoys. rewards to, for captures, ii. 818, 831. port duty, ii. 103, 316; iii. 125, 665; Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Beer, Porter, and Åle, importation of, regulated, i. 701 purchase of his patents, v. 126. v. Benefit of clergy, branch to Washington authorized, iv. 268, Bank Bills and Notes. No bank notes under ten dollars, and after issue of by dead corporations forbidden, v. Bank of Alexandria, (D. C.) ii. 621; iii. 570, Bank of Columbia, (D. C.) iii. 570, 618, 619; v. Bank of the Metropolis, (D. C.) iii. 387, 570, 618; v. 1, 69, 232, 449. Bank of Milwaukie, (Wisc.) v. 198. not allowed, i. 119. Biddle, Captain James, reward and medal for capture of the Pen- Bill of Rights, i. 21. of clerk of house of representatives, iii. 212. Bullion, of clerks of courts, i. 76. of marshals, i. 57 ; μ. 372. of officers of mint, 1. 341. of pursers in navy, ii. 536; iii. 350. of surveyor-general, iii. 637. between U. S. and Mexico, iv. 558. running the line fixed by treaty of 1842, Bounty. See Military Bounty Lands. obsolete acts, i. 27, 229, 260, 533, 692; acts in force, iii. 49, 254, 314, 351, 417, See Collection of Duties. for destroying enemy ships, (obsolete,) ii. for prisoners of war, (obsolete,) iii. 81, 105. on enlistment in army, ii. 135; iv. 647; v. to militia, i. 408, 414. in navy, ii. 53. trade regulated and interdicted with, iii. 432. no merchandise to be imported therefrom, ports of U. S. to be open to British vessels, president, on the adoption of certain meas- ures by the British government, to open at mint, i. 249; v. 158. expense of test to be deducted from bullion, gold and silver to be separated at the ex- bullion not intended for coinage may be deduction of one half per cent, iv. 700. to be assayed, v. 139. charges to which depositor is subjected, v. payment for, when and how to be made, copper bullion to be bought, v. 141. Buoys, Beacons, Columns, Monuments, Piers, establishment and support of, i. 53, 137, Adam's Fall, iii. 599. Allen's Rocks, iv. 289. Barnstable Harbor, ii. 828. Bass River, iv. 229, 343, 381, 720; v. Beach Point, ii. 647; iii. 110. Beaufort, iv. 90. Bergen Point, v. 290. Beverly Harbor, ii. 612, 659, 828; in. Billop's Point Shoal, v. 290. Bishop Rock, iv. 345. Black Rock Harbor, iv. 347. Bluff Shoal, iii. 698. Boon Island, i. 730. Buoys, Beacons, &c. (continued.) Chickama-comica Channel, v. 291. Delaware River, ii. 152, 176, 320. Dunkirk Harbor, iv. 228, 275, 363. East Greenwich Harbor, iv. 172, 228. Erie Harbor, iv. 490. Fairweather Island, ii. 414. Federal Point New Inlet, iv. 172. Fulcher's Point, iv. 134. Georgetown Harbor, iii. 316, 698; iv. 90, 147, 172, 346, 490, 760. Grand River, iv. 133. Grass Island, iv. 171. Great Beds, v. 290. Great Egg Harbor, ii. 476. Great Hill Shoals, v. 290. Ipswich, ii. 476. James's Ledge, iii. 644. James River, v. 290. Kennebeck Bay and River, iv. 284. Kennebunk Harbor and River, iii. 598; iv. 759. Kettle Bottoms, iv. 172. Key West, iv. 284. Kilpond Bar, iv. 284. La Paisance Bay, iv. 229, 363, 397. Little Mark Island, iv. 230. Long Island Sound, ii. 151, 320, 388; Long Shoal, iii. 698. Lower Cedar Point, iv. 172. Lynn Harbor, iv. 759. Marcus Hook, iv. 347. Buoys, Beacons, &c. (continued.) Middle Ground Shoal, iii. 698. Mill River Harbor, iv. 134. Minot's Ledge, iv. 345, 489, 759. Mispillion Creek, iv. 490. Mississippi River, iii. 535; iv. 173, 343. Mobile Bay, iv. 230, 491, 760. Mt. Desert, v. 289. Mystic River, v. 290. Nanticoke River, iv. 759. Nantucket, i. 540; ii. 476; iv. 759. Narragansett, ii. 125. Neenah River, v. 330. Newark Bay, v. 290. New Inlet, i. 607; ii. 659; iii. 110. New Haven Harbor, iii. 110; iv. 489. Norwalk Harbor, iv. 228. Ocracoke Inlet, iv. 133, 231; iii. 672. Old Gay Rock, iii. 649. Old Orchard Shoal, v. 290. Oswego Harbor, iv. 228, 275, 363, 648 v. 188. Pamptico Point, iv. 282, 287. Pamptico Sound, ii. 406; iv. 231, 347 Pass Christian, iv. 348. Pass Marianne, iv. 348. Passaniaquoddy Bay, iv. 758. Pea Patch, iv. 283, 346. Pine Point Shoal, iii. 698. Pocomoke River, iv. 759. Pool's Island, iv. 283; v. 290. Round Shoals, iv. 172. Saco Harbor, iv. 229. Saco River, iv. 61. Salem Harbor, ii. 414, 466, 524 ; iii. 599; v. 289. Sand Island, iv. 173, 282, 284. Sandusky Bay, iv. 346, 760. Sandy Hook, i, 540 ; ii. 294; iv. 172. |