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5-state of Paris after the battle of
Brienne, 6-the inhabitants of Paris
invited to furnish the hospitals, 7-
slaughter-houses converted into hospi-
tals, ib. miserable state of the Salpe-
triere, 8-arrival of General Alsufief in
Paris, 9-an extraordinary sitting of the
municipality of Paris, 11-Bernadotte,
ib. the cannon of the engaged armies
heard at Paris, 12-the allies enter
Meaux, 14-alarm of the country be-
tween Meaux and Paris, ib.-disorder at
the palace of the Tuileries, 16-Bona-
parte's treasures removed, ib. battle of
Montmartre, 24-fire opened on Paris,
26-armistice proposed, 29-capitula-
tion concluded, 34. No. II., Medal of
the Russians who were at the Moscow
campaign, 233-entry of the Allies into
Paris, 241-conduct of the Grand Duke
Constantine, 242-anecdotes of the mob
of Paris, 244-the Bourbons restored,
253. No. III., Devastation in Paris,
385-the Senate declare the forfeiture
of the Crown by Napoleon, 388-des-
cription of the Cossack camp, 389-
solemn thanksgiving offered by the
Allied Army, 394-entry of Monsieur
Comte d'Artois into Paris, 398-visits
the opera, ib. interview between the
Emperor of Russia and the Empress
Josephine, 400-death of the Empress
Josephine, 401-entrance of Louis
XVIII. into Paris, 402-peace pro-
claimed, 403. No. IV., Napoleon quits
Troyes, 485-addresses his troops, 487
-signs his abdication, 489-account of
the meditated attempt to assassinate
Napoleon by de Maubreuil, ib. copies
of the orders given to De Maubreuil by
the ministers of the Allies, 491-state of
the French press during the reign of
Napoleon, 497-he takes leave of his

troops, 501-has an interview with
Marshal Augereau, 503-his nautical
knowledge, 506-arrives at Elba, 507-
the regency at Blois, 509-the Empress
Maria Louisa and her son quit Paris,
ib.-Bonaparte announces to the council
of regency at Fontainbleau his intention
to march against Paris, 510-attempted
outrage on the Empress by Joseph and
Jerome Bonaparte, 512-private con-
versation between Napoleon and Jerome,
513-character of the Empress Maria
Louisa, 516.

Dunoyer, M., and the Censeur Européen,
account of, 419.

Dunoyer, l'Industrie et la Moral conside-
rées dans leurs rapports avec la Liberté,


Edouard, notice of, 543.

Eventful Life of a Soldier, review of, 363.
Extracts from a correspondence from the
North of Germany-No. I. 336-
Hamburgh, 336-Berlin, 337-military
discipline of Prussia, 338-miseries of
travelling in Prussia, 340. No. II.
Crossing the Vistula, 467-German en-
tertainment, ib.

Fashions in Physic, 177.
Flowers of Speech, 556.

arrives at Boulogne, 225-meets with
the Slanderer there, 226-quarrels with
some priests, 329-anecdotes of the
hostess of the Lion, at St. Maloes, 331.
Italian literature, letter on, 36-Buratti, ib.
-Monti's Bassvigliana, notice of, 37.

Le Souschef, notice of, 274.
Lemercier's Les Martyrs de Souli, ou
l'Epire Moderne, 415.
Letters from the Continent.

No. I., The
Netherlands, 191-Ostend, 194-Bru-

ges, 196-Ghent, 201.

Letter to Joseph Hume, Esq. M.P. 423.
Letters of Dr. Franklin. No. II.-430.
No. III. 479.

Letters from Constantinople, 527.
Library of the British Museum, 533.
Lord Davenant, notice of, 42.

Magendie's Precis elementaire de Phisi-
ologie, notice of, 548.
Manufactories, architecture of, 471.
Mathematics, utility of, 452.
Medicin malgré lui, 273.
Memoirs relating to the History of France
to the year 1200, by M. Guizot, notice
of, 125.

Miracle, account of, at Rome, 146.
Molart, M., anecdote of, 124.

Monastery of Vezelay, notice of, 120.

Funds, English and Foreign, prices of, Montule's Travels in England, notice of,
144, 292, 436, 584.

Italian Gentleman, Life and Adventures
of an-No. I. 145-education, 148-
sent to study in the house of an Advo-
cate named Bruner, 150-summoned
before the Inquisition, 157-enters the
National Guard, 154-account of the
Deportation of Pope Pius VII. 155-
anecdotes of the Queen of Naples, 160-
arrives at Foligno, ib. is attacked by
banditti, 163-account of Spatolino, a
famous bandit, 167-his execution, 169
-goes to Florence, 168-return of the
Pope to Rome, 171-arrives at Cortona,
172. No. II., Anecdote of a Florentine
lady, 293-arrives at Leghorn, 294-
quarrels with some Genoese priests, 295
-arrives at Genoa, ib.-history of the
Countess Elisei, 297-sets out for
Turin, 302-anecdotes of a priest whom
he meets on his way, 303-is introduced
to Count O-, 304-anecdotes of the
Countess S-, 305-account of a young
lady of Turin, 309-is cheated by a
German Baron, 312-anecdote of a
Parisian lady, 313-anecdotes of the
Slanderer, 320-story of Janet, 322-


More Fashions, 88.
Music, report of, 132-notice of Tarrare,
ib. Spohr's Opera of Faust, 285-no-
tice of a new Mass, by Cherubini, 287.

Naples, anecdote of the Queen of, 160.
Narrative of the Loss of the Kent, review
of, 517.

National Pride, 356.
Nomenclature de viris illustribus urbis
Romæ, de Cornelius Nepos, &c. notice
of, 417.

Notes on a Note Book, 173.

Paris, Letters from, by Grimm's Grandson.
No. IX., 120-Edinburgh Review on
Fouchè's Memoirs, 121-notice of Mon-
tule's Travels in England, 123-anec-
dote of M. Molart, 124-notice of the
Memoirs relating to the History of
France to the year 1200, by M. Guizot,
125-notice of the Monastery of Veze-
lay, 126-notice of Potter's Life of
Scipio Ricci, 128-account of M. Re-
muzat, 229-M. Beuchot, notice of, 131
-notice of Cabanis Sur les Rapports du

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