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same or similar privileges to those hereby granted to any other company or companies, incorporated or to be incorporated by the State of Maryland or Virginia, or by Congress, or from authorising, by any future law, such additional rail road or roads, in connection with said road, so as to extend the same road, or to construct others connected therewith, to such parts of the District as from time to time may be required by the convenience of those parts of the District into which the said company are now restrained from carrying said road, or from enacting such rules and regulations, prescribing the speed of cars or carriages passing over said road, and other matters relating thereto, necessary for the security of the persons and property of the inhabitants of the District, in such manner as to the present or any future Congress shall seem expedient: And provided, nevertheless, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to give any rights or privileges to the said company, beyond the limits of the District of Columbia.

SECT. 7. And be it further enacted, That if the State of Maryland shall determine to construct a rail way between the city of Baltimore and the District of Columbia, or shall incorporate a company for the same purpose, then similar rights, privileges, immunities, and powers, conferred by this act on the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, be, and the same are hereby, conferred on the State of Maryland, or any company which may be incorporated by it for the same purpose, within one year after the passage of this act.

CHAP. 86. An Act to ascertain and mark the line between the State of Alabama and the Territory of Florida, and the northern boundary of the State of Illinois, and for other purposes.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorised to cause to be run and marked the boundary line between the State of Alabama and the Territory of Florida, by the Surveyors General of Alabama and Florida, on the thirtyfirst degree of north latitude; and it shall be the duty of the Surveyor General of Florida to connect the public surveys on both sides with the line so run and marked.

SECT. 2. And be it further enacted, That patents shall be issued for such tracts of land as were sold and paid for

at the land office at Tallahasse, in the Territory of Florida, as are found to be situate within the limits of the district of lands subject to sale at Sparta, in Alabama, agreeably to the terms of the act organising that district; and the said entries and sales shall be as valid, in every respect, as if they had been made in the land district of Alabama.

SECT. 3. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States is hereby authorised to cause the Surveyor General of the United States for the States of Illinois and Missouri, and the 'Territory of Arkansas, to act as a commissioner on the part of the United States, whenever he shall be duly informed that the Government of the State of Illinois shall have appointed a commissioner on its part, the two to form a Board, to ascertain, survey, and mark the northern line of the State of Illinois, as defined in the act of Congress, entitled 'An act to enable the people of the Illinois Territory to form a Constitution and State Government, &c.' passed the eighteenth of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen; and, in case of vacancy in said office of commissioner, or of his being unable to act from any cause, the President is authorised to fill such vacancy by the appointment of some other qualified person, whenever it may be necessary, until the object of the commission shall be attained.

SECT. 4. And be it further enacted, That the said Board of commissioners shall have power to employ the necessary surveyors and laborers, and shall meet at such time and place as may be agreed upon by the President of the United States and the Government of the State of Illinois, and proceed to ascertain, survey, and mark the said northern line of the State of Illinois, and report their proceedings to the President of the United States, and the Governor of the State of Illinois.

SECT. 5. And be it further enacted, That the President may allow to the said commissioner of the United States, such compensation for his services as shall seem to him reasonable: Provided, it does not exceed the allowance made by the State of Illinois to the commissioner on its part; and the said allowance, together with one half of the necessary expenses of said Board, and the surveyors and laborers, and the allowance to be made to the Surveyors General of the State of Alabama and the Territory of Florida, and the necessary expenses incurred by them in running and marking said line between said

State and Territory, shall be paid from the treasury of the United States, out of any money not otherwise appropriated; and, to enable the President to carry this act into effect, there is hereby appropriated the sum of two thousand dollars.

CHAP. 87. An Act allowing the duties on foreign Merchandise imported into Pittsburg, Wheeling, Cincin nati, Louisville, St Louis, Nashville, and Natchez, to be secured and paid at those places.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That when any goods, wares, or merchandise, are to be imported from any foreign country, into Pittsburg, in the State of Pennsylvania, Wheeling, in the State of Virginia, Cincinnati, in the State of Ohio, Louisville, in the State of Kentucky, St Louis, in the State of Missouri, Nashville, in the State of Tennessee, or into Natchez, in the State of Mississippi; the importer thereof, shall deposite in the custody of the surveyor of the place a schedule of the goods so intended to be imported, with an estimate of their cost at the place of exportation, whereupon the said surveyor shall make an estimate of the amount of duties accruing on the same, and the importer or consignee shall give bond, with sufficient sureties, to be approved by the surveyor, in double the amount of the duties so estimated, conditioned for the payment of the duties on such merchandise, ascertained as hereinafter directed; and the surveyor shall forthwith notify the collector at New Orleans of the same, by forwarding to him a copy of said bond and schedule. SECT. 2. And be it further enacted, That the importer or his agent, is hereby authorised to enter any merchandise, imported, as aforesaid, by the way of New Orleans, at that port, in the manner now prescribed by law; and the collector shall grant a permit for the landing thereof, and cause the duties to be ascertained as in other cases, the said goods remaining in the custody of the collector until reshipped for the place of destination; and the collector shall certify to the surveyor at such place the amount of such duties, which the said surveyor shall enter on the margin of the bond, as aforesaid given to secure the same, which goods shall be delivered by the collector to the agent of the im porter or consignee, duly authorised to receive the same, for shipment to the place of importation, and the master or commander of every steamboat, or other

vessel, in which such merchandise shall be transported, shall, previously to her departure from New Orleans, deliver to the collector duplicate manifests of such merchandise, specifying the marks and numbers of every case, bag, box, chest, or package, containing the same, with the name and place of residence of every importer or consignee of such merchandise, and the quantity shipped to each, to be by him subscribed, and to the truth of which he shall swear or affirm, and that the said goods have been received on board his vessel; stating the name of the agent, who shipped the same; and the said collector shall certify the facts, as aforesaid, on the manifests, one of which he shall return to the master, with a permit thereto annexed, authorising him to proceed to the place of his


SECT. 3. And be it further enacted, That, if any steamboat, or other vessel, having merchandise on board, imported as aforesaid, shall depart from New Orleans without having complied with the provisions of this act, the master thereof shall forfeit five hundred dollars; and the master of any such boat or vessel, arriving at either of the ports abovenamed, on board of which merchandise, as aforesaid, shall have been shipped at New Orleans, shall within eighteen hours next after the arrival, and previously to unloading any part of said merchandise, deliver to the surveyor of such port, the manifest of the same, certified, as aforesaid, by the collector of New Orleans, and shall make oath or affirmation before the said surveyor that there was not, when he departed from New Orleans, any more or other goods on board such boat or vessel, imported as aforesaid, than is therein mentioned; whereupon the surveyor shall cause the said casks, bags, boxes, chests, or packages, to be inspected, and compared with the manifests, and the same being identified, he shall grant a permit for unloading the same, or such part thereof as the master shall request, and, when a part only of such merchandise is intended to be landed, the surveyor shall make an endorsement on the back of the manifests, designating such part, specifying the articles to be landed, and shall return the manifests to the master, endorsing thereon his permission to such boat or vessel to proceed to the place of its destination; and, if the master of such steamboat or vessel shall neglect or refuse to deliver the manifests within the time herein directed, he shall forfeit one hundred dollars.

SECT. 4. And be it further enacted,

That the collector of the port of New Orleans, shall permit no entry to be made of goods, wares, or merchandise, where the duty on the same shall exceed the amount of the bond deposited with the surveyor, as aforesaid, nor shall the said surveyor, receive the bond of any person not entitled to a credit at the Custom-house, nor for a sum less than fifty dollars, and that, when the said bond shall have been completed, and the actual amount of duty ascertained and certified on the margin, as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the surveyor of the port where the bond is taken, to deposit the same for collection in such bank as may be directed by the secretary of the treasury.

SECT. 5. And be it further enacted, That where Surveyors are not already appointed, in any of the places mentioned in the first section of this act, a suitable person shall be appointed for such places, and on all such surveyors, whether appointed or to be appointed, shall devolve the duties prescribed by this act, in addition to the customary duties performed by that officer in other places; and the surveyor at each of said places shall, before taking the oath of office, give security to the United States for the faithful performance of all his duties, in the sum of ten thousand dollars, and shall receive, in addition to his customary fees, an annual salary of three hundred and fifty dollars; Provided, That no salary arising under this act, shall commence until its provisions shall take effect, and merchandise may be imported under its authority.


SECT. 6. And be it further enacted, That all penalties and forfeitures incurred by force of this act shall be sued for, recovered, distributed, and accounted for in the manner prescribed by the act, titled An act to regulate the collection of duties on imports and tonnage,' pass ed on the second day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninetynine, and may be mitigated or remitted in the manner prescribed by the act, entitled 'An act to provide for mitigat ing or remitting the forfeitures, penalties, and disabilities, accruing in certain cases therein mentioned,' passed on the third day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninetyseven.

CHAP. 88. An Act to repeal the act to establish the district of Blakely. CHAP. 89. An Act for the relief of

CHAP. 91. An Act to provide for the further compensation of the Marshal of the District of Rhode Island.

CHAP. 92. An Act for the relief of

certain holders of certificates issu-
ed in lieu of lands injured by
earthquakes in Missouri.

CHAP. 93. An Act for the relief of
James Belger.

CHAP. 94. An Act to rectify the mis-
take in the name of William Tumey,
an invalid pensioner.

CHAP. 95. An Act for the relief of
Daniel Jackson and Lucius M. Hig-
gins of Newbern, in North Caro-

CHAP. 96. An Act for the relief of
William Delzell, of Ohio.

CHAP. 97. An Act declaring the as-
sent of Congress to an act of the
General Assembly of the State of
Ohio, hereinafter recited.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent of the United States shall be, and is hereby, given to an act of the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, entitled ' An act for the preservation and repair of the United States' Road,' passed the fourth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirtyone, which act is in the words and figures following, to wit :

of the State of Ohio, That whenever the 'Be it enacted by the General Assembly States to this act shall be obtained, the consent of the Congress of the United Governor of this State shall be, and he is hereby, authorised to take under his the road commonly called the National care, on behalf of this State, so much of shall then be finished, and also, such Road, within the limits of this State, as other sections or parts thereof as may thereafter be progressively finished within the limits aforesaid, whenever the same shall be completed; and he shall

be, and is hereby authorised to cause gates and toll-houses to be erected on said road, at such finished parts thereof as he shall think proper, for the purpose of collecting tolls, as provided by the fourth section of this act: Provided, The number of gates aforesaid shall not exceed one on any space or distance of

Samuel Nowell.

CHAP. 90. An Act to incorporate a Fire Insurance Company in Georgetown, in the District of Columbia.

twenty miles.

SECT. 2. That a superintendent shall be appointed by the Governor, whose duty shall be to exercise all reasonable

vigilance and diligence in the care of the road committed to his charge; to contract for, and direct the application of the labor, materials, and other things necessary for the preservation, repair, and improvement thereof; he shall pay for the same out of such sums as the Governor shall furnish him for that purpose, subject to such responsibility and accountability as the said Governor shall dictate; and shall conform to such instructions as the Governor shall prescribe for his conduct, in all particulars relative to his said trust: he may be empowered to suspend the functions of any toll-gatherer for alleged misconduct, till the pleasure of the Governor shall be known, and to fill the vacancy thereby occasioned during such interval; and it shall be his duty to give information of the facts in such case to the Governor, without any unnecessary delay: the said superintendent shall hold his office during the pleasure of the Governor, who shall allow him a reasonable compensation for his services.

SECT. 3. That the Governor be, and he is hereby, authorised to appoint the necessary collectors of tolls, and to remove any of them at his pleasure; ard also, to allow them, respectively, such stipulated compensation as he may deem reasonable; it shall be the duty of each and every toll-collector to demand and receive, at the gate or station assigned to him by the Governor, the tolls prescribed and directed by the fourth section of this act; and to pay monthly into the Treasury, according to the directions they may receive from the Treasurer of the State, all the moneys so collected by said collectors, that shall remain, after deducting their compensation aforesaid; the said collectors shall be governed, in all respects relative to their office, by such regulations as the Governor shall ordain, in order to ensure a due responsibility, and faithful discharge of their duties.

SECT. 4. That, as soon as the said gates and toll-houses shall be erected, it shall be the duty of the said toll-collectors, and they are hereby required, to demand and receive for passing the said gates, the tolls and rates hereafter mentioned; and they may stop any person riding, leading, or driving any horses, cattle, sulky, chair, pheton, cart, chaise, wagon, sleigh, sled, or other carriage of burden or pleasure, from passing through the said gates, until they shall respectively have paid for passing the same, that is to say: For every space of twenty miles in length on said road, the following sums of money, and

so in proportion for every greater or lesser distance, to wit: For every score of sheep or hogs, ten cents; for every score of cattle, twenty cents; for every led or drove horse, three cents; for every mule or ass, led or driven, three cents; for every horse and rider, six and one fourth cents; for every sled or sleigh drawn by one horse or ox, twelve and one half cents; for every horse or ox in addition, six and one fourth cents; for every dearborn, sulky, chair, or chaise, with one horse, twelve and one half cents; for every horse in addition, six and one fourth cents; for every chariot, coach, coachee, stage or phæton, with two horses, eighteen and three fourth cents; for every horse in addition, six and one fourth cents; for every other carriage of pleasure, under whatever name it may go, the like sum, according to the number of wheels and horses drawing the same; for every cart or wagon whose wheels do not exceed the breadth of two and one half inches, twelve and one half cents; for each horse or ox drawing the same, six and one fourth cents; for every cart or wagon whose wheels shall exceed two and one half inches in breadth, and not exceeding four inches, six and one fourth cents; for every horse or ox drawing the same, three cents; and for every other cart or wagon whose wheels shall exceed four inches, and not exceeding five inches in breadth, four cents; for every horse or ox drawing the same, two cents; and all other wagons or carts whose wheels shall exceed six inches in breadth, shall pass the said gates free and clear of all tolls: Provided, That nothing in this act shall be construed so as to authorise any tolls to be received or collected from any person passing to or from public worship, or to or from any musters, or to or from his common business on his farm or wood land, or to or from a funeral, or to or from a mill, or to or from his common place of trading or marketing, within the county in which he resides, including their wagons, carriages, and horses or oxen drawing the same: Provided, also, That no toll shall be received or collected for the passage of any stage or coach conveying the United States' mail, or horses bearing the same, or any wagon or carriage laden with the property of the United States, or any cavalry or other troops, arms or military stores belonging to the same, or to any of the States comprising this Union, or any person or persons on duty in the military service of the United States, or of the militia of any of the States.

SECT. 5. That the moneys so collected shall constitute a fund, to be denominated the United States' Road Fund; and so much thereof as may be paid into the Treasury agreeably to the provisions above recited, shall be subject to the order of the Governor, who shall pay out of said fund the salary of the superintendent, and the expenses incident to the superintendence and collection, other than those particularly provided for in this act, and shall cause the remaining nett proceeds of the rev. enue collected as abovementioned, to be applied solely and exclusively to the preservation, repair, and improvement of said road, and to no other purpose whatever.

SECT. 6. That directors shall be set up at proper and convenient situations, to caution all conductors or drivers of carriages on the road aforesaid, that they shall at all times pass on the left of each other, under the penalty of five dollars for every offence; and there shall also be set up at some conspicuous place at each gate, a board, on which shall be legibly painted the rates of toll, as is provided for in this act.

SECT. 7. That, if any of the tollcollectors shall unreasonably delay or hinder any passenger or traveller at any of the gates, or shall demand or receive more toll than is by this act established, he shall, for each and every such offence, forfeit and pay to the party aggrieved the sum of ten dollars.

SECT. 8. That, if any person shall purposely and maliciously deface, or otherwise injure any of the mile stones, parapet walls, culverts, or bridges, or any of the masonry whatsoever, or any of the gates or toll-houses of and belonging to the said national road in this State, as the same is now constructed, or may hereafter be constructed, every person so offending shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not more than five hundred dollars, or be impris oned in the dungeon of the jail of the county, and be fed on bread and water only, not exceeding twenty days, or both, at the discretion of the court.

SECT. 9. That, if any person shall purposely fill, choak, or otherwise obstruct any of the side drains, valleys, gutters or culverts of said road, now made or hereafter to be made, or shall connect any private road or cartway with the said national road, without making at the point of connection a stone culvert, or paved valley, or other good and sufficient fixture, so as to secure a free passage for the water along such side drain, where such private road or

cartway connects with the said national road, or if any person shall purposely and wilfully travel upon such parts of said national road as are or may be in an unfinished state, against the consent of the superintendent appointed by the United States, or by this State, or shall remove any of the beacons placed upon the said road so in an unfinished state as aforesaid, for the diverting of the travel on and from said road, every person so offending shall, upon conviction thereof, be for every such offence, fined in a sum not less than one nor more than ten dollars.

SECT. 10. That if any person shall stand his wagon and team, or either of them, over night, upon the pavement of said road, now made, or which may hereafter be made, or shall at any other time stand a wagon and team, or either of them, upon the said pavement, for the purpose of feeding, or if he shall in any other manner purposely and wilfully obstruct the travel upon said road, every person so offending shall, upon conviction thereof, for every such offence, be fined in a sum not less than one nor more than five dollars.

SECT. 11. That if any person shall fast lock or rough lock either of the wheels of any wagon, coach, chaise, gig, sulkey, carriage, or other two or four wheeled vehicle, while travelling upon the pavement of said road, as now made, or which may hereafter be made, (excepting however, such parts of said road as may be at the time of such locking, covered with ice,) every person so offending shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than one nor more than five dollars.

SECT. 12. The supervisors of roads and highways through whose districts the said national road does now or may hereafter pass, are hereby severally authorised and required at the connection with, or intersection of, any State, county, or township road, which now is or hereafter may be established under the laws of this State within their respective districts, to build and keep in repair a good and sufficient stone culvert or paved valley, or other good and sufficient fixture, in such manner as to admit of a free passage for the water along the side drain or drains of said national road at the connection or intersection aforesaid, and according to the grade thereof, as established by the United States' superintendent of said national road.

SECT. 13. That, for the purpose of carrying into effect, the provisions of this act, the Governor is hereby authorised to draw on the State Treasury for

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