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shall be defrayed out of the treasury of the Provided a United States: Provided nevertheless, That made with none of the faid expences shall continue to be in one year. so defrayed by the United States, after the ex

ceffion be

Light house

to be erec

piration of one year from the day aforefaid, unless such light-houses, beacons, buoys and public piers, shall in the mean time be ceded to, and vested in the United States, by the state or states respectively in which the fame may be, together with the lands and tenements thereunto belonging, and together with the jurifdiction of the fame.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That a ted near light-house shall be erected near the entrance entrance of of the Chesapeake Bay, at such place, when Bay. ceded to the United States in manner aforefaid,



as the Prefident of the United States shall direct.

Sect. 3. And be it further enacted, That it Secretary of shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treacontract for fury to provide by contracts, which shall be repairing, approved by the President of the United States, 5. when for building a light-house near the entrance necefary. of Chesapeake Bay, and for rebuilding when


necessary, and keeping in good repair, the light-houses, beacons, buoys, and public piers in the several states, and for furnishing the fame, with all necefssary supplies, and alfo to agree for the falaries, wages, or hire of the perfon or persons appointed by the President, for the fuperintendance and care of the fame.

Sect. 4. And be it further enacted, That all Pilots to be pilots in the bays, inlets, rivers, harbours and regulated by the exiftheexift- ports of the United States, shall continue to be ing laws of regulated in conformity with the exifting laws tive states, of the states respectively wherein such pilots may be, or with fuch laws as the states may

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respectively hereafter enact for the purpose, until further legiflative provision shall be made by Congrefs.

FREDERICK AUGUSTUS MUHLENBERG, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United States, and President of the Senate.

APPROVED, August the 7th, 1789:

President of the United States,




An Act providing for the Expences which may attend Negociations or Treaties with the Indian Tribes, and the Appointment of Commissioners for managing the fame.



An Act for registering and clearing Veffels, regulating the Coafting Trade, and for other Purposes.









An Act to establish the Treasury Department.

Section 1. E

B House Representatives of

it enacted by the Senate and


United States of America in Congress assembled, ment defig- That there shall be a department of Treasury, in which shall be thefollowing officers, namely; a Secretary of the Treasury, to be deemed head of the department; a Comptroller, an Auditor, a Treasurer, a Register, and an Afsistant to the Secretary of the Treasury, which Afssistant shall be appointed by the faid Secretary.



the secreta


Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That it Duties of shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treafury to digeft and prepare plans for the improvement and management of the revenue, and for the fupport of public credit; to prepare and report estimates of the public revenue, and the public expenditures; to fuperintend the collection of the revenue; to decide on the forms of keeping and stating accounts and making returns, and to grant under the limitations herein established, or to be hereafter provided, all warrants for monies to be issued from the Treafury, in pursuance of appropriations by law; to execute fuch services relative to the fale of the lands belonging to the United States, as may be by law required of him; to make report, and give information to either branch of the Legislature, in person or in writing (as he may be required,) respecting all matters referred to him by the Senate or House of Representatives, or which shall appertain to his office;. and generally to perform all fuch services relative to the finances, as he shall be directed to perform.

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Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That it Duties of shall be the duty of the Comptroller to fuper- troller. intend the adjustment and preservation of the public accounts; to examine all accounts fettled by the Auditor, and certify the balances arifing thereon to the Register; to countersign all warrants drawn by the Secretary of the Treafury, which shall be warranted by law; to report to the Secretary the official forms of all papers to be issued in the different offices for collecting the public revenue, and the manner and form of keeping and stating the accounts of the feveral perfons employed therein: He shall moreover provide for the regular and punctual payment of all monies which may be collected, and shall direct prosecutions for all delinquencies of officers of the revenue, and for debts that are, or shall be due to the United States.

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That it of the shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive treasurer. and keep the monies of the United States, and to disburse the fame upon warrants drawn by the Secretary of the Treasury, countersigned by the Comptroller, recorded by the Register, and not otherwife; he shall take receipts for all monies paid by him, and all receipts for monies received by him, shall be endorsed upon warrants figned by the Secretary of the Treafury, without which warrant so signed, no acknowledgment for money received into the public treafury shall be valid. And the faid Treafurer shall render his accounts to the Comptroller quarterly (or oftener if required,) and shall tranfmit a copy thereof, when fettled, to the Secretary of the treasury. He shall moreover, on the third day of every feffion of Congress, lay before the Senate and House of Representatives, fair and accurate copies of all


Duties of accounts by him from time to time rendered the treafu- to, and fettled with the Comptroller as afore


Of the au


Of the re gifter.

faid, as alfo, a true and perfect account of the state of the treafury. He shall at all times fubmit to the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Comptroller, or either of them, the inspection of the monies in his hands; and shall, prior to the entering upon the duties of his office, give bond, with fufficient fureties, to be approved by the Secretary of the Treafury and Comptroller, in the fum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, payable to the United States, with condition for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, and for the fidelity of the perfons to be by him employed, which bond shall be lodged in the office of the Comptroller of the Treasury of the United States.

Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Auditor to receive all public accounts, and after examination to certify the balance, and tranfmit the accounts with the vouchers and certificate to the Comptroller for his decision thereon: Provided, That if any person whose account shall be fo audited, be dissatisfied therewith, he may within fix months appeal to the Comptroller against such settlement..

Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Register to keep all accounts of the receipts and expenditures of the public money, and of all debts due to or from the United States; to receive from the Comptroller the accounts which shall have been finally adjusted, and to preferve fuch accounts with their vouchers and certificates: to record all warrants for the receipt or payment of monies at the treafury, certify the fame thereon,


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