shall have uniformed and equipped, shall be exempt from poll tax to work on the highways in their respective towns. part of infan $ 14. All battalions of mounted riflemen, or dragoons, not formed considered into separate regiments, shall for all the purposes of this act be con- try. sidered as a part of the regiments or separate battalions of infantry in the bounds of which they are situated. or artillery. $ 15. All regiments and separate battalions of riflemen or artille-Ib. riflemen ry, not formed into brigades, shall for the purpose of this act be considered as a part of the brigade of infantry in the bounds of which the commanders of such regiment separate battalion shall respectfully reside. to leave vo $ 16. No non-commissioned officer, musician, or private, belonging Person not to any company of mounted riflemen, artillery, or light infantry, shall lunteer comleave the company to which he belongs to serve as a fireman in any pany. fire company now raised or hereafter to be raised in any city or county, nor shall he leave such company and enlist in any other, without the written consent of the commandant of the company to which he belongs, unless he shall have removed out of the district of such company. $ 17. The commandant of every uniform company shall make a Return of return without delay of all persons enlisted therein, to the command- enlistment. ant of the infantry companies within whose district the persons enlisted respectively reside, and in such return shall specify the date of each enlistment, and the commandant of infantry companies shall strike from their rolls the name of every person thus certified to have been enlisted in any regularly organized uniform company. $ 18. All persons enlisted into any uniform company shall within To equip. three months from their enlistment furnish themselves with a uniform and other equipage, according to law; for non-compliance they shall be returned to the proper court-martial and fined as hereinafter provided. $ 19. The commandant of any uniform company, whenever he Notice of shall discharge an able bodied man, shall give notice thereof in writ- discharge. ing to the commandant of the infantry company, within whose district the individual discharged shall reside. $ 20. The uniform of the infantry, or such portion thereof as the Uniform. commander-in-chief may deem advisable, shall in his discretion be directed to conform with that which is now or may hereafter be established by the army regulations of the United States, and of all other corps for which provision is not made by the laws of the United States, as the commander-in-chief shall from time to time direct. $ 21. The militia of the territory shall as near as may be conform Discipline. their system of discipline and exercise to that of the army of the United States, as is now, or shall hereafter be prescribed by the congress of the United States. $ 22. The commander-in-chief shall from time to time direct such 16. book as to him shall appear expedient as a guide for the corps of artillery and mounted riflemen, and shall furnish the same to the field officers and commandants of companies of such corps at the expense of the territory. companies, $ 23. All mounted riflemen and dragoons, as well as all other in- Volunteer dependent or volunteer corps, shall be subject to be called into the ser- how called vice of the United States or of this territory, by companies, battalions, into service. Aids, &c. of regiments or brigades, by order of the commander-in-chief, or other proper officers. ARTICLE SECOND. Of the organization of the staff department. $ 24. The commander-in-chief shall be entitled to four aids with com. in chief the rank of colonel, and a military secretary with the rank of ma jor and br. jor. Aids of ma- $ 25. Each major-general shall be entitled to two aids with the gadier-gene. rank of major, and each brigadier-general to one aid with the rank rals. of captain. Adjutant-general. $26. The adjutant-general shall have the rank of colonel, and in his department there shall be to each division a division inspector Rank of in with the rank of lieutenant-colonel; to each brigade, a brigade inspector, to serve also as a brigade major, with the rank of major, and to each regiment and separate battalion an adjutant with the rank of spectors. Judge advo cates. Quartermaster-ge. neral and lieutenant. $ 27. In the judge advocate's department there shall be a judge advocate with the rank of colonel; to each division a division judge advocate with the rank of lieutenant-colonel; and to each brigade a brigade judge advocate with the rank of major. $ 28. In the quarter-master general's department there shall be a quarter-master general with the rank of colonel; to each division a uarter-mas-division quarter-master with the rank of lieutenant-colonel; to each brigade a brigade quarter-master with the rank of captain; and to each regiment and separate battalion, a quarter-master with the rank of lieutenant. paymasters. Paymaster- $ 29. In the pay-master general's department there shall be a paygeneral and master general with the rank of lieutenant-colonel; to each division a division pay-master with the rank of major; to each brigade a brigade pay-master with the rank of captain; and to each regiment and separate battalion, a pay-master with the rank of lieutenant. Commssarygeneral. Surgeon general, surgeon, &c. Non-commissioned staff. Chief of staff. $ 30. The commissary-general shall have the rank of colonel, and in his department there shall be so many military store-keepers, for the safe keeping and preserving of the arsenals, magazines, fortifications, and military stores belonging to this territory, as he may find it necessary to appoint, not exceeding one to each arsenal. $ 31. In the hospital department there shall be a surgeon-general with the rank of colonel; to each division a hospital surgeon with the rank of lieutenant-colonel; to each brigade a hospital surgeon with the rank of major; to each regiment a surgeon with the rank of captain; and to each regiment or separate battalion a surgeon's mate with the rank of lieutenant; but such rank shall not entitle officers to promotion in the line, nor regulate their pay or rations in the service. $32. There shall be to each regiment and separate battalion two sergeant-standard-bearers, one sergeant-major, one quarter-mastersergeant, one drum-major, and one fife-major, and to each regiment and separate battalion of mounted riflemen, one trumpet-major. $ 33. The chief of each staff department shall, under the direction of the commander-in-chief, have command over all subordinate officers in his department, and shall from time to time issue orders and instructions for their government and practice. $34. Each chief of such department shall prepare and transmit, Forms. at the expense of the territory, all blank forms of returns, precepts, warrants and proceedings necessary in his department. TITLE V. OF THE SEVERAL PARADES AND RENDEZVOUS OF THE MILITIA. $ 1. By regiments, or separate battalions, once in each year, be- Times of pa tween the tenth day of September and fifteenth day of October, at such time and place in their respective districts as the commanding officer of the brigade shall direct, for the purpose of inspection, review and martial exercise. rade. $ 2. At such other times and places, either by regiments, batta-b. lions or companies, as the case may require, as shall be directed in any order of proper authority, calling into service of the United States, or of this territory, the whole or any portion of the militia. companies. $ 3. It shall be the duty of all uniform companies to meet within Ib. uniform [their] respective districts, in addition to the general rendezvous not less than three nor more than eight days in each year, at such time and place as their respective commandants may direct, and as much oftener as a majority of all the members of their company may direct, for the purpose of drill and martial exercise. $ 4. The commandant of each brigade shall give notice to the Notice to be commandant of the division of the times and places of the annual in- given. spection and review of the several regiments and separate battalions in his brigade. ant of divi $ 5. Each commandant of division shall attend the review and in- Commandspection of the several regiments and separate battalions of at least sion to atone of the brigades in his division in each year; and he shall require tend. the officers of the division staff, armed and equipped as the law directs, to accompany him; he shall also attend such reviews and inspections in each brigade of his division in succession. S 6. The commandant of each brigade shall attend, with the of- Ib. of bri ficers of the brigade staff, armed and equipped as the law directs, the gade. annual inspection and review of the several regiments and separate battalions in his brigade. meet for $ 7. The commissioned and non-commissioned officers and musi- Officers to cians of each regiment and separate battalions, shall rendezvous drill. within their respective districts not less than three nor more than six days successively, between the first day of June and the first day of September in each year, for the purpose of disciplining and improving in martial exercise. The day and place of rendezvous shall be prescribed by the commanding officer of the regiment or separate battalion. $8. Such commandant shall report all absentees and deficiencies To report. to the president of the proper court-martial. $9. For the purpose of warning the non-commissioned officers, Warning. musicians and privates, to any parade or place of rendezvous, required by law, the commandant of each company shall issue his warrant, under his hand, to his non-commissioned officers, or to such of them as he may deem proper, requiring them respectively to warn all persons subject to military duty, within a certain district to be desig Warning. Return. To whorr delivered. Made evidence. By com inandant. May warn without warrant. Duty of nated in such warrant, or all persons named in the warrant, as such commandant may elect, to appear at such parade or place of rendezvous, armed and equipped as the law directs. $ 10. Each non-commissioned officer to whom such warrant shall be directed, shall warn every person heretofore enlisted, whom he shall be therein required to warn, by reading the warrant or stating the substance thereof in the hearing of such person; or in case of his absence by leaving a notice thereof at his usual place of abode, with some person of suitable age and discretion, or affixing the same on the outer door of the house in case no person can be found therein; such notice shall be signed by the non-commissioned officer making the service, and so left or affixed shall have the like effect as if the person to whom the same shall be directed had been personally warned. $ 11. Such non-commissioned officer shall deliver the warrant to his commandant, with a return, in which he shall state the names of all persons by him warned, and the manner of warning them respectively, and shall make oath to the truth of such return, which oath shall be administered by the commandant, and certified by him on the warrant or return. $ 12. Such commandant shall deliver the warrant and return, together with his own return of all delinquents and delinquencies, to the president of the proper court-martial. $13. The return of such non-commissioned officer, so sworn to and certified, shall be as good evidence on the trial of any person returned as a delinquent, of the facts therein stated, as if such officer had testified to the same before the court-martial on such trial. $ 14. Every commandant of a company shall make the like return upon honor, and with like effect, of every delinquency and neglect of duty of his non-commissioned officers, either in not attending on parade, or not executing or returning a warrant to them directed, or not obeying the orders of their commanding officer. $ 15. Any commissioned officer of a company, may, without a warrant, warn any or all the persons subject to military duty, within the district of the company, to appear at any parade or place of rendezvous; such warning may be given by him, either personally, or by affixing a notice in the same manner as if given by a non-commissioned officer, and his certificate upon honor shall be received by any court-martial as legal evidence of such warning. § 16. All tavern-keepers, keepers of boarding-houses, persons havinn-keepers. ing boarders in their families, and house-keepers, upon their being thereto requested by the commandant of the company within the district of which they reside, or by the non-commissioned officer of any such company having a warrant from such commanding officer to warn persons to attend any parade, shall give to such commanding officer or non-commissioned officer, a true account of all persons lodging or boarding with them, and of their names, if known, to the end that such persons as are liable to do military duty, may be warned to rendezvous according to law. Penalty. $ 17. If any person of whom such account is so demanded, shall refuse to give such account and names, or shall wilfully give a false account, he shall forfeit and pay ten dollars, to be recovered by the commandant of the regiment for the use of the regiment. $ 18. For the purpose of preserving order on the day of parade, Time of the militia shall be considered to be under arms from the rising of the parade. sun to its setting, on the same day, and shall be exempted from arrest on civil process during the time. ed to court $ 19. Every commandant of a company, in addition to putting who returnunder guard as he is hereby authorized to do, and the exercise of the martial. usual military power with which he is hereby vested, shall return to the president of the proper court-martial, the names of all persons in the company who shall have discharged any fire arms on such day of parade, without the order or permission of a commissioned officer, or officer acting under such; and also the name of every non-commissioned officer, musician or private, who shall on such day refuse or neglect to obey the order of his superior officer, or to perform such military duty or exercise as may be required, or depart from his colors, post or guard, or leave the ranks, without permission from his superior officer. $ 20. The commanding officer of a division, brigade, regiment, or Power of separate battalion, present at any parade, may put under guard any commandant by-stander or spectator, who shall abuse, molest, or strike any one when on parade or under arms. ground. $ 21. The commanding officer of a regiment or separate battalion, Bounds of shall on the day on which any parade or rendezvous is to be held, parade and previous thereto, cause the bounds of the parade ground to be designated in such manner as not to obstruct the passage of travellers on any public highway. &c. put under guard. $ 22. If any person, during parade, shall encroach on the parade Gamblers, ground previously designated, or shall then and there sell, or offer to sell or give away, any spirituous liquors, without permission of the commanding officer, or shall have in his possession any gambling table or other gambling device, such persons may be put and kept under guard by such commander until the setting of the sun on the same day; and such liquor, gaming table, or other gambling device, may be abated or destroyed as a nuisance, by order of the commandant. on election $ 23. No parade or rendezvous of the militia shall be ordered on No parade any day during which a general or special election shall be held, nor day within five days previous to such election, except in cases of invasion or insurrection, or of imminent danger thereof; and if any officer shall order any such parade or rendezvous, he shall forfeit and pay to the people of this territory the sum of five hundred dollars. •S 24. Every commandant of a company shall, within twenty Delinquents days after any parade, furnish the president of the proper court-to be reportmartial with a return of all persons belonging to his company, who shall have been at such parade delinquent in the performance of duty, or deficient in the equipment or uniform required by law, or who by any means shall have incurred any fine or penalties under this act. $ 25. The commandant of every regiment or separate battalion, 15. within fifteen days after the regimental or battalion parade or rendezvous of commissioned and non-commissioned officers and musicians, shall furnish the president of the proper court-martial with a return of all delinquents under the rank of a major in the staff or line. |