1718 Dec. 22; war declared against Spain by France, under the administration of the regent, Duke of Orleans. 1719 Nov. 20; peace of Stockholm between the king of Great Britain and the Queen of Sweden, by which the former acquired the Duchess of Bremen and Verden as Elector and Duke of Brunswick. 1720 Jan. 20; the king of Spain accepts and signs the Quadruple Alliance. 1721 Aug. 30; peace of Nystett, in Finland, between Sweden and Russia, whereby Livonia and Ingria were ceded to Russia. 1724 March 24; treaty of Stockholm between Russia and Sweden, in favor of the Duke of Holstein Gottorp. 1725 April 30; the Vienna Treaty, signed between the Emperor of Germany and the king of Spain, by which they confirmed to each other such parts of the Spanish dominions as they were respectively possessed of, and by a private treaty, Emperor engaged to employ a force to procure the restoration of Gibraltar to Spain, and to use means for placing the Pretender on the throne of Great Britain, Spain guaranteed the Pragmatic Sanction. 1725 Sept 3; the Hanover treaty, concluded between the kings of England, France and Prussia, as an act of self-defence, against the provisions of the Vienna treaty. 1726 Aug. 6; war between England and Spain commenced. 1727 May 31; preliminary articles for a general pacification, signed at Paris by the ministers of G. Britain, the Emp, the king of France, and the States Gen. Ostend Co. suspended 1727 October 21; treaty of Nipchoo (Nerchinsk) between Russia and China, by which the boundaries of the two empires were settled, a Russian resident at Pekin, and 200 merchants allowed to trade to China once in 3 years. Not ratified until June 14, 1728, in consequence of the death of Catherine. 1728 June 14; a congress commenced its sitting at Soissons. 1729 Nov. 9: the peace of Seaville, between the courts of Great Britain, France and Spain; and a defensive alliance entered into; to this treaty the states of Holland afterwards acceded, Nov. 21. 1731 March 16; the treaty of alliance of Vienna, between the Emperor, Great Britain and Holland, by which the Pragmatic Sanction was guaranteed, and the disputes, as to Spanish succession terminated; Spain acceded to the treaty on the 22nd of July. 1732 Oct: 7; peace between Sweden and Poland. 1733 Oct. 10; war declared by the king of France against the Emperor, on account of the latter combining with the Russians to drive Stanislaus, father-in-law of the French king, from the throne of Poland, to which he was elected on the death of Augustus II. 1735 Oct. 3; preliminaries of peace signed at Vienna, between France and the Emperor; Spain acceded April 15, 1756. 1736 April 23; war commenced between Russia and Turkey. 1737 May 4; war declared against the Turks by the Emperor. 1738 Nov. 18; the definitive peace of Vienna, between the Emperor and the king of France, the latter power agreeing to guarantee the Prag. Sanc. Lorraine ceded to France. 1739 Sept. 18; peace of Belgrade between the Emperor and the Turks, the Emperor giving up Belgrade and Servin; this was speedily followed by a peace between Russia and Turkey, Russia surrendering Azoph and all her conquests on the Black Sea. 1739 October 23; war declared by England against Spain. 1740 Oct: Charles VI. Emperor of Germany died, and was succeeded by his eldest daughter Maria Theresa, by virtue of the Prag, Sanction, which being opposed by the king of Spain and Poland, who supported the right of Elector of Bavaria founded on the will of Ferd. I., gave rise to a war in which most of the powers of Europe were engaged. 1741 Alliance between Great Britain, Russia, and Poland, with the Queen of Hungary (the Empress Maria Theresa,) for the purpose of supporting the interests of the house of Austria, France, Spain, and Sardinia uniting by the same time in the interests of the Elector of Bavaria. 1742 June 28; peace of Berlin, between the king of Poland and the queen of Hungary. Silesia given up to Prussia. 1742 Nov. 18; a treaty for mutual defence and guarantee, signed at Whitehall; between Great Britain and Prussia. 1745 June 24; a defensive treaty concluded between Great Britain and Russia for 15 years. 1743 Aug. 7, peace of Abo, between Russia and Sweden. 1744 March 14; war declared formally by Louis XV. against Great Britain, France having been previously engaged merely as ally of the Elector of Bavaria. 1744 April 27; war declared between the Queen of Hungary and King of France. 1745 April 25; peace of Fuissen, between the Queen of Hungary and Elector of Bavaria. 1745 Dec. 25; peace of Dresden, between Saxony, Prussia, and the Queen of Hungary, con firming the treaties of Berlin and Breslau. 1748 April 30; preliminary articles for the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle signed by the ministers of Great Britain, France, and Holland. to which the Queen of Hungary, the King of Sardinia, and the Duke of Modena shortly after acceded, and Spain and Genoa before the end of June, in September and October the definitive treaty was concluded and signed by the respective powers. By this peace the treaties of Westphalia in 1648, or Nimeguen in 1678 and 1679, of Ryswick in 1697, of Utrecht in 1713, and of Baden in 1714, of the Triple Alliance in 1717, of the Quadruple Alliance in 1718, and of Vienna in 1738, were renewed and confirmed. 1750 Oct. 5; treaty between England and Spain, by which England renounced the Assiento contract for the supply of slaves, included in the peace of Utrecht in 1715. 1755 June 8; commencement of war by the English, by the attack on two French frigates in America. 1756 Jan. 16; treaty of alliance between Prussia and England. Hanover put under the safe guard of the king of Prussia. 1756 May 1; alliance between Austria and France, concluded at Versailles. 1756 June 9: war formally declared by France against England. 1756 Aug. 17; Saxony invaded by Prussia. Beginning of the Seven Years' War. 1756 Sept. 30; war between Austria and Prussia. 1757 July 17; war between Great Britain and Austria. 1757 Aug. 24; hostilities commenced between Sweden and Prussia. 1757 Sept. 10; Convention of Closterseven. 1757 Oct. 22; treaty of peace concluded between the province of Pennsylvania, and the Dela ware and Shawnee Indians. 1761 Aug. 15; the Family Compact between the different branches of the House of Bourbon. 1762 Jan. 23; war declared by England against Spain, in consequence of the Family Compact. 1762 May 1; the Spanish and French invade Portugal, and an army sent from England to assist the Portuguese. 1762 May 5; peace of Petersburg, between Russia and Prussia. Russia restored all her con quests to Prussia. 1762 May 22; peace of Hamburg, between Sweden and Prussia. 1762 May 23; war declared by Portugal against Spain. 1762 Nov. 3; preliminaries of peace signed at Fontainbleau, between France and England. 1763 Feb. 10; peace of Paris concluded between France, Spain, Portugal, and Great Britain. Cession of Canada by France, and of Florida by Spain. 1763 February 15; peace of Hubertsburg, between Prussia, Austria and Saxony. End of the Seven Years' War. 1 1765 March 22, American Stamp Act. 1765 October 7, the first American Congress met in New York, in which the nine colonies of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and South Carolina, were represented; adjourned Oct. 25, after agreeing upon a declaration of rights, and adopting memorials to the king, and Parli ment, the proceedings of this congress were approved by the absent colonies, New Hampshire, Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia. 1766 Feb 23, The grant from Hyder Ally, Khan, confirming the grants and privileges made to the E. India Co., by the several Malabar Powers; with regard to trade. 1766 March 18, Stamp Act repealed. 1767 June 29. British parliament lays a tax on paper, glass and tea, in the American colonies. 1768 Feb. 24, treaty of Warsaw, between Russia and Poland. 1769 Aug. 3, the treaty of perpetual friendship and peace, between the governor and council Fort St. George, at Madras, and Nabob Hyder Ally, Khan. 1770 March 5, citizens of Boston fired on by the British soldiers, under Captain Preston, when six of the inhabitants were killed, and a number wounded. 1770 Aug. 8, the treaty of peace, friendship and commerce, between the president and coun cil of Bombay, and Nabob Hyder Ally, Khan, which confirmed the grant of the 23d of February, 1766. 1771 Jan. 22, a treaty concluded between Great Britain and Spain, confirming the possession of the Falkland islands to the former. 1772 Feb. 17, secret convention for the partition of Poland, by Russia and Prussia. 1772 Aug. 5, treaty of Petersburg for the same object, between Austria Russia and Prussia. 1773 Dee. 21, Tea on which the duty had been paid by the E. India Co., destroyed at Boston. 1774 July 21, peace of Kutchut kainarji, betw Russia & Turkey. Crimea declared indep'ent, Azoph ceded to Russia, and freedom of commerce and navigation of Bl'k sea granted 1774 Sept. 5, Congress of the American Colonies met at Philadelphia. 1775 April 19, hostilities commenced at Lexington, Mass., betw. G. Britain and the Colonists. 1775 June 7, North American Colonies first called "The Twelve United Colonies." 1775 Nov 15, Lord Dunmore's Proclamation, declaring Martial Law in Virginia. 1775 Dee. 20, Proclamation of the king of England, declaring the Colonies out of his protection, and authorising the capture and condemnation of vessels and property of the Colonists, and of all others found trading with them. 1776 July 4, American Declaration of Independence. 1776 July 4, Edict of the king of Portugal, (the ally of Great Britain,) prohibiting the entry of American vessels in the ports of his dominions, and ordering that if any come in, they be driven out in the state in which they shall arrive, without succour of any kind being given to them. 1777 Oct. 17, British army under Lt. Gen. Burgoyne, surrendered prisoners of war to the Americans under Gen. Gates. This decisive victory convinced Europe of the ability of the Americans to maintain successfully their contest with Great Britain. 1778 Feb. 6, treaty of alliance concluded at Paris, between the U. States and France. This treaty is declared to be for the absolute maintenance of the Independence of the U. S. and in the event of a war between France and Great Britain the cause to be common to France and the U. States. Also, a treaty of amity and comm. betw U. S. and Franco 1778 March 13, war between England and France. 1778 Nov. 14; Consular Convention betw. France and the United States, signed. 1779 May 13, peace of Teschen ratified between Austria, Saxony and Prussia. 1780 Dec. 20, war declared by Great Britain against Holland. 1780 July 9 and Aug. 1, first conventions for the armed neutrality between Russsia, Denm'k and Sweden. Dec. 22 the states-general aeceded. 1781 May 8, king of Prussia accedes to the armed neutrality. 1781 Oct. 9, the Emperor of Germany joins the armed neutrality. 1781 Oct. 19, the British army under L'd Cornwallis surrenders to the Americans at Yorktown 1782 July 16, contract betw the United States and France, whereby the latter furnishes the United States with 18,000,000 of livres at five per cent. 1782 Oct. 8, treaty of Amity and Commerce, concluded at Hague, between the United States and the Netherlands. A convention for the restitution of re-captured vessels was concluded at the same time. 1782 Nov. 30, the independence of the United States acknowledged by England, and preliminaries of peace signed at Paris between the British and American commissioners. 1783 Jan. 20, prelim. articles of peace signed at Versailles, between G. Britain, Spain & France 1785 Jan. 20, Crimea passes under the dominion of Russia. 1783 April 3, treaty of Amity and Commerce, concluded at Paris, between the United States and Sweden. The commercial relations of each nation placed on the most favorable footing, and it is declared that free ships mrke free goods. 1783 Sept. 2, preliminaries of peace between Great Britain and Holland, signed at Paris. 1783 Sept. 3, definitive treaty of peace between Great Britain and the United States signed at Paris. On the same day, the definitive treaty was signed at Versailles, between Great Britain, France and Spain. 1784 June 20, definitive treaty of peace between Great Britain and Holland, signed at Paris. 1785 July 23, Germanic confederation between Saxony, Brandenburg and Hanover. 1785 Sept. 10, treaty of amity and commerce, between the United States and Prussia. 1785 Nov. 8, the treaty of Fontainebleau, between the Emperor and Holland. 1786 June 28, treaty between the United States and Morocco. 1787 May 14, the Federal Convention assembled in Philadelphia, and remained in session until the 17th of September following, when they agreed to, and signed, the Constitution of the United States, which was subsequently adopted by all the States. 1787 Aug. 18, the Turks declare war against Russia. 1788 Feb. 10, the Emperor of Germany joined Russia against Turkey. 1788 Aug. 15, treaty of defensive alliance between G. Britain and Prus'a, concluded at Berlin. 1788 Sept. 13, the Congress of the U. S., by a Resolution declared that the Fed. Constitution had been ratified by the requisite number of States, and appointed the first Wednesday in March, 1789, for commencing the proceedings under the said Constitution. 1788 Sept. 25, the king of France convened the States General to assemble in January, 1789. 1788 Nov. 14, Commercial convention, concluded at Vers'lles betw. the U. States & France. 1789 March 4, the first Congress under the Federal Constitution, assembled in New York. 1789 July 14, French Revolution commenced, the Bastile destroyed. 1790 Sept. 27, the preliminary treaty ratified with Spain, relative to the Nootka Sound, and the definitive treaty signed on the 28th Oct. following. 1791 April 8, treaty between Great Britain and Morocco, signed at Sale. 1791 July 20, convention of Pilnitz, between the Emperor Leopold and the King of Prussia. 1792 April 20, the French National Assembly declared war against the Emp'r of Germany. 1792 June 26, First coalition against France took place, and king of Pr'sia issued his manifesto. 1792 Sept, war declared against Sardinia by the French National Assembly. 1793 Feb. 1, France declared war against Great Britain and Holland. 1793 Feb, 9, the Duke of Tuscany acknowledged the French republic. 1793 April 22, American Proclamation of neutrality. 1793 May 25, Spain engaged to assist Great Britain. 1793 Sept. 3, the king of Naples declared war against the French republic. 1793 G. Britain concluded treaties, July 14, with Prussia, Aug. 30, Austria, Sept. 26, Portugal. 1794 Macrh 30, Foundation of the U. States Navy, laid by an act of Congress authorising the building of six frigates. 1794 Nov. 19, treaty of Commerce and Navigation concluded at London, betw. the U. States and G. Britain. Provides also for ascertaining boundaries, and settling claims. 1795 February 15, the first pacification between the National Assembly of Fraace, and the Vendeans, concluded. 1795 Feb. 18, a defensive alliance entered into with Russia by Great Britain. 1795 May 5, peace of Basle, between the King of Prussia and the French republic. 1795 May 16, treaty of alliance signed at Paris, between France and the United Provinces, against England. Dutch Flanders ceded to France. 1795 July 22, peace of Basle, betw' France and Spain. Spanish St. Domingo ceded to France. 1795 Sept. 5, treaty of peace betw' Algiers and the U. States. The U. S. to pay ann. $21,600. 1795 Oct. 20, treaty of Limits and Navigation, concluded at San Lorenzo el Real, between the United States and Spain. The middle of the channel or bed of the Mississippi to be the western boundary of the United States. 1795 Nov. 25, the Partition of Poland took place between Russia, Austria and Prussia. 1796 May 15, treaty of Paris, between the French republic, and the king of Sardinia, the latter ceding Savoy, Nice, the territory of Tende, and Beuil, and granting a free passage for troops through his states. 1796 Aug. 5, the treaty of Berlin ratified between Prussia and France, whereby the neutrality of the north of Germany was guaranteed. 1796 Aug. 19, an alliance offensive and defensive concluded at St. Idlefonso, between France and Spain. 1796 Nov. 4, treaty of peace between the United States and Tripoli. The United States by a payment of a sum demanded before signing this treaty, is exonerated from all tribute in future, except certain stipulated consular presents. 1797 Feb. 19, treaty of Tolentino between the French republic and the Pope. 1797 April 18, preliminaries of the peace of Loeben, signed between Austria and France. 1797 Oct. 17, treaty of Campo Formio; between France and Austria, the latter power yielding the Low Countries and the Ionian Islands to France; and Milan, Mantua and Modena, to the Cisalpine republic. 1797 Dec. 9, congress of Radstadt commenced its labours to treat concerning a general peace with the Germanic powers. 1798 Switzerland invaded by the French. 1798 July 9, War declared by the United States against France. 1798 Sept. 12, war declared against France by the Porte, and an alliance, offensive and defen sive, entered into between the latter power, Russia and Great Britain. 1798 Oct. 3, Naples and Sardinia commence hostilities against France. 1798 Dec. 29, a treaty of alliance and subsidies, agreed upon between Great Britain and Russia, against France. 1799 June 22, the second coalition against France, by Great Britain, the Emperors of Germany and Russia, part of the German empire, the kings of Naples and Portugal, Turkey and the Barbary States. Conference of Radstadt broken up. 1799 July 11, second treaty of Amity and Commerce, concluded at Berlin, between the United States and Prussia. 1799 Aug. 26, treaty of peace between the United States and Tunis. 1800 June 20, a treaty of subsidies ratified at Vienna, between Austria and England, stipulating the war should be vigorously prosecuted against France, and that neither of the contracting powers should enter into a separate peace. 1800 Sept. 50, a treaty of amity and commerce, ratified between France and the U. States, of America. Stipulated in the treaty that the flag should protect the cargo. 1800 Dec. 16, a treaty of armed neutrality ratified, between Russia, Denmark, and Sweden, at Petersburg, in order to cause their flags to be respected by the belligerent powers. The principle, that neutral flags protect neutral bottoms, being contrary to the maritime system of England, the British cabinet remonstrated, when the Emp'r Paul caused an embargo to be laid on all English vessels in his ports, detaining their crews whom he marched up the country. Prussia afterwards acceded to this treaty. |