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October 27.

ART. 5. The two high contracting parties shall, by all the means in their power, maintain peace and harmony among the Peace and har- several Indian nations who inhabit the country adjacent to mony to be maintained a- the lines and rivers, which, by the preceding articles, form the mong the In- boundaries of the two Floridas. And the better to obta in dians inhabiting the country ad- this effect, both parties oblige themselves expressly to restrain, by force, all hostilities on the part of the Indian nations Mutual stipula- living within their boundary: so that Spain will not suffer her ing by force, all Indians to attack the citizens of the United States, nor the Indians inhabiting their territory; nor will the United States dians residing permit these last mentioned Indians to commence hostilities within the boun against the subjects of his catholic majesty, or his Indians, in

jacent to the Floridas.

tion for restrain

hostilities between the In

daries of the par
tiesrespectively any manner whatever.

No treaties ex

cept treaties of peace, to be made by one

party, with the Indians living

And whereas several treaties of friendship exist between the two contracting parties, and the said nations of Indians, it is hereby agreed, that in future no treaty of alliance or other whatever, (except treaties of peace,) shall be made by either within the boun daries of the party with the Indians living within the boundary of the other, other, &c. but both parties will endeavor to make the advantages of the Advantages of the Indian trade Indian trade common and mutually beneficial to their respecto be common, tive subjects and citizens, observing in all things the most complete reciprocity, so that both parties may obtain the advantages arising from a good understanding with the said nations, without being subject to the expense which they have hitherto occasioned.


Each party to ART. 6. Each party shall endeavor, by all the means in their protect the ves sels of the other power, to protect and defend all vessels and other effects bewithin its juris- longing to the citizens or subjects of the other, which shall be or land; and to within the extent of their jurisdiction by sea or by land, and restore vessels shall use all their efforts to recover and cause to be restored and effects by whomsoever

diction, by sea


to the right owners, their vessels and effects, which may have been taken from them within the extent of their said jurisdiction, whether they are at war or not with the power whose subjects have taken possession of the said effects.

Citizens & subART. 7. And it is agreed, that the subjects or citizens of jects, vessels & effects, not lia- each of the contracting parties, their vessels or effects, shall not ble to embargo, be liable to any embargo or detention on the part of the other, or detention for any military exfor any military expedition or other public or private purpose pedition, &c. by whatever And in all cases of seizure, detention, or arrest, either party. Arrests, &c. for for debts contracted, or offences committed, by any citizen or debts and offen subject of the one party, within the jurisdiction of the other, place only ac- the same shall be made and prosecuted by order and authoricording to law.

ces, to take

ty of law only, and according to the regular course of proceedings usual in such cases. The citizens and subjects of both ART. 5. Las dos altas partes contratantes procurarán por todos los medios posibles mantener la paz, y buena armoniá entre las diversas naciones de Indios que habitan los terrenos adyacentes a las lineas y rios que en los articulos anteriores forman los limites de las dos Floridas; y para conseguir mejor este fin se obligan expresamente ambas potencias a reprimir con la fuerza todo genero de hostilidades de parte de las naciones Indias que habitan dentro de la linea de sus respectivos limites: de modo que ni la España permitirá que sus Indios ataquen á los que vivan en el territorio de los Estados Unidos ó á sus ciudadanos, ni los estados que los suyos hostilizen a los subditos de S. M. catolica ó á sus Indios de manera alguna.

Existiendo varios tratados de amistad éntre las expresadas naciones y las dos potencias, se han convenido en no hacer en to venidero alianza alguna ó tratado, (excepto los de paz,) con las naciones de Indios que habitan dentro de los limites de la otra parte, aunque procurarán hacer comun su commercio en be neficio amplio de los subditos y cuidadanos respectivos,guardandose en todo la reciprocidad mas completa, de suerte que sin los dispendios que han causado hasta ahora dichas naciones á las dos partes contratantes, consignan ambas todas las ventajas que debe producir la armonia con ellas.

ART. 6. Cada una de las dos partes contratantes procurará por todos los medios posibles protexer y defender todos los buques y qualesquiera otros efectos pertenecientes á los subditos y ciudadanos de la otro que se hallen en la extension de su jurisdiccion por mar ó por tierra, y empleará todos sus esfuerzos para recobrar y hacer restituir á los proprietarios legitimos les boques y efectos que se les hayan quitado en la extension de dicha jurisdicion, estén ó no en guerra con la potencia, cuyos subditos hayan interceptado dichos efectos.

ART. 7. Se ha convenido que los subditos y ciudadanos de una de las partes contratantes, sus buques, ó efectos no podran sugetarse à ningun embargo ó detencion de parte de la otra, á causa de alguna expedicion militar, uso publico ó particular de qualquiera que sea. Y en los casos de aprehension detencionó arresto, bien sea por deudas contrahidas ó ofensas cometidas por algun ciudadano ó subdito de una de las partes contratantes en la jurisdicion de la otra, se procederá unicamente por orden y autoridad de la justicia, y segun los tramites ordinarios seguidos en semejantes casos. Se permitirá a

1795. October 27. 1795.

October 27.

Citizens and

parties shall be allowed to employ such advocates, solicitors, notaries, agents, and factors as they may judge proper, in all their affairs, and in all their trials at law, in which they may be

subjects of either party allow. concerned, before the tribunals of the other party; and such ed to employ agents shall have free access to be present at the proceedings such advocates, &c. in the trial in such causes, and at the taking of all examinations and evicauses, as they dence which may be exhibited in the said trials. judge proper, &c.

Vessels of eith

ART. 8. In case the subjects and inhabitants of either party,

er party, forced with their shipping, whether public and of war, or private and by stress of wea of merchants, be forced, through stress of weather, pursuit of ther, &c., into the ports &c. of pirates or enemies, or any other urgent necessity, for seeking the other, to be of shelter and harbor, to retreat and enter into any of the kindness, allow rivers, bays, roads or ports, belonging to the other party, they

received with

ed to refresh, and freely to part.

de shall be received and treated with all humanity, and enjoy all favor, protection, and help, and they shall be permitted to refresh and provide themselves, at reasonable rates, with victuals and all things needful for the subsistance of thei persons, or reparation of their ships and prosecution of their voyage; and they shall no ways be hindered from returning out of the said ports or roads, but may remove and depart when and whither they please, without any let or hindrance.

Property taken ART. 9. All ships and merchandise of what nature soever, from pirates to be restored to which shall be rescued out of the hands of any pirates or robthe true owner bers on the high seas, shall be brought into some port of either on proof. state, and shall be delivered to the custody of the officers of that port, in order to be taken care of, and restored entire to the true proprietor, as soon as due and sufficient proof shall be made concerning the property thereof.

In case of

the same assis

ART. 10. When any vessel of either party shall be wreck

wrecks, &c. each party to ed, foundered, or otherwise damaged, on the coast or within afford the other the dominion of the other, their respective subjects or citizens tance it would shall receive, as well for themselves as for their vessels and give to its own citizens or sub- effects, the same assistance which would be due to the inhabjects under simi itants of the country where the damage happens, and shall

lar circumstances, &c.

pay the same charges and dues only as the said inhabitants would be subject to pay in a like case: and if the operations of repair should require that the whole or any part of the cargo be unladen, they shall pay no duties, charges, or fees, on

the part which they shall relade and carry away.

Right of devise, ART. 11. The citizens and subjects of each party shall donation, and of inheritance with have power to dispose of their personal goods within the jurisrespect to per- diction of the other, by testament, donation, or otherwise; sonal goods, se cured to the ci- and their representatives, being subjects or citizens of the tizens or sub- other party, shall succeed to their said personal goods, whe

los ciudadanos y subditos de ambas partes emplear los abogados, procuradores, notarios, agentes ó factores que juzguen mas á proposito en todos sus asuntos y en todos los pleytos qué podrán tener en los tribunales de la otro parte, á los quales se permitirá igualmente el tener libre acceso en las causas, y estár presentes á todo exámen y testimonios que podran ocurrir en los pleytos.

ART. 8. Quando los subditos y habitantes de la una de las dos partes contratantes con sus buques, bien sean publicos ó de guerra, bien particulares ó mercantiles se viesen obligados por una tempestad, por escapar de piratas ó de enemigos, ó por qualquiera otra necesidad urgente á buscar refugio y abrigo en alguno de los rios, bahias, radas, ó puertos de una de las dos partes, seran recibidos y tratados con humanidad, y gozaran de todo fabor, proteccion, y socorro, y les será licito proveerse de refrescos, viveres, y demas cosas necesarias para su sustento, para componer sus buques, y continuar su viage, todo mediante un precio equitativo; y no se les detendrá ó impedira de modo alguno el salir de dichos puertos ó radas, antes bien podran retirarse y partir como quando les pareciere sin ningun obstaculo ó impedimento.

ART. 9. Todos los buques y mercaderias de quelquiera naturaleza que sean, que se hubiesen quitado a algunos piratas en alta mar y se traxesen a algun puerto de una de las dos potencias, se entregaran alli á los oficiales ó empleados en dicho puerto; á fin de que los guarden y restituyan integramente a su verdadero proprietario luego que hiciese constar debida y plenamente que era su legitima propiedad.

ART. 10. En el caso de que un buque perteneciente á una de las dos partes contratantes naufragase, varase, ó sufriese alguna averia en las costas ó en los dominios de la otra, se socorrera a los subditos ô ciudadanos respectivos, asi á sus personas como á sus buques y efectos, del mismo modo que se haria con los habitantes del pais donde suceda la desgracia, y pagarán solo las mismas cargas y derechos que se hubieran exígido de dichos habitantes en semejante caso. Y si fuese necessario para componer el buque que se descargue el cargamento en todo ó en parte, no pagarán impuesto alguno, cargá, ó derecho de lo que se buelva á embarcar para ser exportado.

ART. 11. Los ciudadanos ó subditos de una de las dos partes contratantes tendran en los estodos de la otra la libertad de disponer de sus bienes personales bien sea por testamento, donacion, ó otra manera, y si sus herederos fuesen subditos 6 ciudadanos de la otra parte contratante, sucederán en sus

1795. October 27. 1795.

October 27.

ther by testament or ab intestato, and they may take possession thereof, either by themselves or others acting for them, jects of each and dispose of the same at their will, paying such dues only party, in the dominions of the as the inhabitants of the country wherein the said goods are, other, &c. shall be subject to pay in like cases. And in case of the absence in the absence If a claimant, of the representative, such care shall be taken of the said goods to be in the custody of goods, as would be taken of the goods of a native in like case, the law of the until the lawful owner may take measures for receiving them. land, by which all disputes con And if question shall arise among several claimants to cerning them which of them the said goods belong, the same shall be deciare to be finally decided. ded finally by the laws and judges of the land wherein the Aliens, citizens said goods are. And where, on the death of any person holdor subjects, of ing real estate within the territories of the one party, such lowed to dis- real estate would, by the laws of the land, descend on a cipose of real estate descending to them in the

either party al

dominions of the other, &c.

Merchant ships

of one party,

tizen or subject of the other, were he not disqualified by alienage, such subject shall be allowed a reasonable time to sell the same, and to withdraw the proceeds without molestation, and exempt from all rights of détraction on the part of the government of the respective states.

ART. 12. The merchant ships of either of the parties, making for a which shall be making into a port belonging to the enemy of port of an ene- the other party, and concerning whose voyage, and the spemy of the other, obliged to cies of goods on board her, there shall be just grounds for susexhibit passports and certi picion, shall be obliged to exhibit, as well upon the high seas as in the ports and havens, not only her passports, but likewise certificates, expressly showing that her goods are not of the number of those which have been prohibited as contraband. ART. 13. For the better promoting of commerce on both sides, it is agreed, that if a war should break out between the

ficates, &c.

In case of war between the parties, one year, after pro- said two nations, one year, after the proclamation of war, shall clamation of it, allowed to citi- be allowed to the merchants, in the cities and towns where they zens and sub- shall live, for collecting and transporting their goods and mertively, to settle chandises: and if any thing be taken from them, or any injury their affairs,&c. be done them within that term by either party, or the people

jects respec

No subject of Spain to take a commission from a third power with

or subjects of either, full satisfaction shall be made for the same by the government.

ART. 14. No subject of his catholic majesty shall apply for, or take any commission or letters or marque, for arming any

ship or ships to act as privateers against the said United States, whom the U. or against the citizens, people or inhabitants, of the said United war, to cruise States, or against the property of any of the inhabitants of any against the citi- of them, from any prince or state with which the said Uniter

States are at

zens, &c. of the latter.

States slrall be at war.

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