CHAPTER X. POLAND, CONTINUED. Poland. Provincial Government.-The Grand Duke.-Deputation to St. Petersburg-Russian Proclamation. - State of Warsaw. Chlopicki Dictator - Military Preparation. Radzivil succeeds Chlopicki. - The Polish Forces. Diebitsch enters Poland. Military Operations. Various Engagements.-Negociations. Battle of Grokow. Appointment of Skrzynecki. Efforts of the Poles. - Operations of Dwernicki.-Propositions.Skrzynecki's Operations. Insurrection in Lithuania.-Battle of Igani. Retrospect. WARSAW being now practical- exander, Chlopicki took umbrage ly independent, by the expulsion at some one of those insulting exof the Russian troops out of the pressions, which Constantine was city, the first business of the pat- continually addressing to the Poriots was to organize a provincial lish army, and replying to the regovernment suited to the exigen- proof of the Grand Duke, that he cies of their new situation. As did not gain his rank, nor receive the Grand Duke and the Rus- his decorations, on the parade sians remained before the city ground, he demanded his disstill, it was all important to have charge, and firmly resisted all the a competent chief to direct the instances of the Grand Duke and military operations of the citizens; the Emperor that he would resume and some of the patriots, who his station, preferring honorable consulted together on the subject, poverty and obscurity to the glitter agreed to offer the command to of Russian servitude. His military General Chlopicki. This distin- reputation, and the independence guished officer began his career of soul he had displayed, drew under Kosciuszko in the former the eyes of the nation upon him struggle of the Poles for indepen- at this crisis. He was conducted, dence. Afterwards he entered amid the acclamations of the the Polish Legion under Napole- people, to the assembled patriots, on, gradually rising to the rank of and invested with the rank of general of a division, in which ca- commander in chief in their prespacity he served in Spain. When ence, a brief address being made Poland fell into the hands of Al- on the occasion by Professor Lelewel, an eminent Polish schol- well as in name, whose estate ar and patriot, who, although un- covered provinces, and who fitted by his habits for military could equip whole squadrons command, became, by his talents from their own private resources. and indefatigable zeal, the anima- In rank, he claimed descent from ting spirit of the revolution. Thus far, although Warsaw had for the time being, shaken off her chains, yet, nothing had occurred to show to the world the character of the movement, whether it was a mere civic disturbance or a national insurrection. This question did not long remain undecided. Having appointed a commander in chief, the patriots next proceeded to organize a provincial government, at the head of which they placed Prince Adam Czartoriski, Prince Michael Radzivil, Niemcewicz, Lelewel, and Lubecki. This arrangement was announced before noon. Lubecki was one of the old ministers, the rest were newly appointed. Among the latter, Niemcewicz was selected, not merely as possessing the warmest patriotism, and having served under Kosciuszko, but as being the first name in Polish literature; for the Poles on this occasion, like the French after the Three Days, were found to do homage to intellectual cultivation and acknowledged intellectual fame, in the distribution of the duties and honors of their revolutionary government. Lelewel, as we have already said, has similar claims to distinction. Czartoriski was the first noble of Poland, alike prominent for his wealth, his rank, and his character. In regard to wealth, he was one of those great Polish proprietors, princes in fact, as royalty, through a long line of distinguished ancestry. In character, he was a true Pole. At the last partition of Poland, he and his brother Constantine were sent to St. Petersburg as hostages; and there he contracted an intimacy with the Grand Duke Alexander, which continued when the latter succeeded to the imperial authority, and which exercised considerable influence over the political career of Czartoriski. At the urgent solicitation of Alexander, he accepted of various appointments in the Russian administration, first as ambassador to Turin, next as minister of foreign affairs, and at the same time as curator of the University of Wilna and commissioner for the establishment of schools in the Russian provinces of Poland. In all these offices, it was the aim and the good fortune of Czartoriski to preserve his fidelity to his country unshaken, at the same time that he performed his duty to the Emperor, in whose employment he served. Previous to the collision between Russia and France he had resigned his portfolio, and devoted himself to the improvement of his country through his connexion with the University of Wilna, perceiving, perhaps, that a time was coming, when the duties of a minister of state would militate with the interests which he held most dear. During the struggle between Alexander and Napoleon, it was his constant endeavor to impress on the minds of all, the great truth, that the balance of power in Europe could only be maintained by the restoration of Poland. He accompanied Alexander to Paris in 1814 in order to effect this object; so that probably much of the good feeling of Alexander towards Poland, and especially the liberal constitution he gave the kingdom, may be ascribed to Czartoriski's persuasion. When he saw the disappointment of his hopes by the continued violation of the charter, he broke off all his relation with the Russian government, and was loud in his complaints concerning the wrongs done his country. When the revolution commenced, he was residing on his estates at Pulawa, about eighteen leagues from Warsaw. He did not hesitate to embark his life and fortune in the cause of Poland, entering into the contest with a generosity of purpose, and continuing it with a self sacrificing devotedness of patriotic virtue, which were above all praise. Prince Anthony Radzivil was in rank and possessions of the same class with Czartoriski. Being too young, at the time of the last partition, to share in the glorious effort of Kosciuszko, he passed his early years in the fashionable pleasures of high life; and thus it happened that, when Napoleon visited Warsaw in 1806, he was selected to be chamberlain to the Emperor. But Napoleon, with his accustomed penetration, soon discovered that young Radzivil was fitted for a higher sphere, and conferred on him the command of a Polish regiment in active service. Rad zivil was greatly distinguished in several campaigns, until the political changes consequent on the fall of Napoleon led him to seek retirement, in spite of the solicitations and flattering offers of Alexander. Subsequently he became a prominent member of the Polish Senate, where he signalized his love for country, by opposing the course of Russian policy; and it was thus he became endeared to the Poles.* Such were the men, to whom the guidance of the revolution was entrusted. The first step taken by the provincial government was to send a deputation to the Grand Duke, to demand whether he meant to depart peaceably or to attack the city. The deputies found him encamped in the fields of Mokotow with a force of about 8,000 men, and proposed to him to depart unmolested on a prescribed route, offering him every possible accommodation for himself and his troops on the way. In his reply, Constantine promised not to attack the city without giving fortyeight hours notice, but made no engagements as to his departure. Not satisfied with this, the provincial government sent another deputation to the Grand Duke two days afterwards, informing him that, if he did not leave the kingdom immediately, he would be attacked. Seeing the necessity of compliance, he attempted no * It is proper to acknowledge in this place, that, while we have consulted such other means of information concerning the Polish revolution as we had access to, we have relied implicitly on the full and complete History of the Revolution by Major Hordynski, a work of sterling merit and value. further delay, and departed the Polish provinces incorporated with next morning by the way of Pu- Russia should partake of the benlawa, as prescribed to him, after efits of it, as Alexander had promaddressing a moderate and tem- ised. In short, they demanded perate proclamation to the Poles, that the solemn pledges, which in which he assured them of his Russia had given to the Poles and good offices with the Emperor, to Europe, should be redeemed. and exhorted them to deal gently They also invited Nicholas to with the Russians detained in open the Diet in person. The Warsaw. He broke up his camp preparations of the patriots for on the 3d of December, and on war were not made with energy, the 13th passed the frontiers into until the return of the deputation, the ancient Polish province of with intelligence that Nicholas Volhynia, everything being pre- would hear of nothing but unconpared for him by agents, whom ditioned submission. In fact, he the Poles had sent in advance.- issued proclamations on the 17th With honorable foes, and under and 24th of December, addresscircumstances affording any rea- ed the first to the Poles, and the sonable hopes of accommodation, second to the subjects of the Emthis procedure might have been pire in general, which settled forwell; but as it proved, the Poles ever the question of peace or gained no favors by their gener- war. osity, and lost the advantages In these documents, nothing is they might have derived from more worthy to be remarked than the capture of Constantine and his the hypocritical spirit of pretendcorps. It was one of the first ed religious confidence, which is errors of the Poles; for they particularly offensive in that adshould have expected no concessions from Russia, nor yielded a single advantage in a contest with her for independence. dressed to the Russians. Here was a half Asiatic despotism, which had acquired possession of Poland by a series of abominable Unfortunately, however, the frauds and cruelties, the blackest Poles endeavored to reconcile on the page of European history. revolution with allegiance. They Alexander had given to the Poles, summoned the Diet to meet at an and Nicholas had confirmed, a early day, resolving meanwhile, to constitution, which each of them recognize the rights of Nicholas. had religiously sworn to maintain, Accordingly, they appointed a and to do which all Russia was commission to repair to St. Pe- solemnly engaged to all Europe. tersburg, and lay their purposes This constitution Alexander and and desires before the Emperor. They asked that all Russian troops should be withdrawn from the kingdom forever,-that the privileges of the constitution should be again confirmed in their full extent, and that all the ancient asked or desired. Deaf to the Nicholas had both violated in its most essential particulars, until, maddened by oppression, the injured Poles had risen with arms in their hands to enforce its observance; and this was all they demands of religion, honor, and purpose. When the Grand Duke justice, Nicholas was now prepar- departed for Volhynia, some Poing to march down his Tartar lish regiments, which had hitherhordes upon this devoted people, to remained with him, also joined and to blot them out from the the cause of their country. On face of outraged and insulted Eu- several following days, great numrope; and in these circumstances, bers of soldiers and peasants conhe dared to speak of his 'confi- tinued to flock into the city from dence in God, the constant bene- all sides, the latter being armed factor of Russia; '-and even to with scythes and axes in default use such language as this: God, of other weapons. Tables were THE PROTECTOR OF RIGHT, is spread with refreshments for them with us; and all-powerful Russia in the streets, while young and will be able, with a decisive blow, old, nobles and peasants, met and to bring to order those who have embraced as friends and equals. dared to disturb her tranquillity. On the evening of the 4th the -We know of no parallel for the theatre was opened for the first shocking blasphemy of these ex- time during the insurrection, when pressions, except in the similar the patriots embraced the occastyle of the early Mahometan sion to address the people, and a conquerors, who, with the Koran patriotic play, interspersed with in one hand, and the scimetar in well-timed music, raised their enthe other, carried fire and sword thusiasm to the highest pitch. through more than three fourths On Sunday the 5th, the churchof Christendom. es of Warsaw were crowded with persons from the province; and in Praga, the religious services were performed in the open air, During the interval before knowing the determination of the Emperor, although the Poles had done less than they otherwise in the presence of more than would have done, they were not 50,000 men, an altar having been idle. Indeed, a national guard, constructed on the spot where the corresponding in principle to our victims of Suwarrow's cruelty were militia, was organized the first buried. After the close of the day of the revolution, Count Lu- services the most animating exbinski being placed at its head. hortations were addressed to the On the same day, proclamations assembled multitude. were sent into the provinces, to Again, on the 6th, another pubapprise the nation of what had lic solemnity took place, which happened. The next day, twelve had the same tendency to rouse companies of students, called the and inspirit the people. It had Academical Legions, were com- been resolved to concentrate all pleted and on duty; and several powers, civil and military, in the regiments of the Polish army hands of one man, until the time came in from the country, togeth- when the Diet should convene; er with multitudes of peasants, and Chlopicki was invested with imperfectly armed, it is true, but the name and authority of Dictafull of enthusiasm and energy of tor. In the afternoon, Chlopicki |