The Rev. Thomas Heath, of Caltone, Wilts, aged 82. 20. At Sheffield, aged 68, Mr. George Greaves, senior partner in the mercantile houfe of Greaves, Woodhead, and Hodgfon. 21. James Findlay, esq. of BernersAreet, late of the Bombay medical establithment. 22. At Hough, in the county of Chefter, the Rev. John Swinnerton, A. M. of Pembroke College, Oxford, vicar of Wybunbury, and in the commition of the peace for the county of Stafford. At Edinburgh, Lieutenant-Colonel Alexdar Monypenny, of Pitmilly. Captain James Ruffell, of the Ceres, aged 34. On the 13th May 1798, when first lieutenant of the Flora frigate, he attacked with the boats of that thip, and brought out of the harbour of Cerigo, in the Mediterranean, the Mondovi French national corvette, of 16 guns. **Lately, in the Island of Stroma, in the North of Scotland, Mr. Francis Tait, at the extraordinary age of 110 years. He. was, in the opinion of those who knew him, one of the most learned men in Scotland; and perhaps none of his cotempo. raries poffefsed so much general know ledge. He was also a good poet; and although his extreme modesty, and that poverty which is to frequently the attend ant on true genius, have hitherto deprived the world of the benefit of his literary Jabours, yet we are happy to hear that a volume of Original Poems, a Poetic Tranflation of a very scarce Greek Author, and feveral other very valuable and interesting productions of Mr. Tait, are speedily to be published. 24. At Elgin, N. B. Thos. Stephen, efq. formerly provost of that place. The Right Hon. John Maclellan, lord Kirkcudbright. 25. At Lewisham, Lieutenant W. B. English, of the royal artillery. At Wanstead, Effex, Charles Thomas Coggan, of the East India House, aged 72. Mr. Williams, Queen street, Bromp ton. Mrs. Raynsford, fifter of the late Sir William Jones. 26. In Albemarle-ftreet, in his srit year, Mr. Jolm Ruth. At St. David's, aged 87, the Rev. Delabere Pritchett, lub-chanter of that cathedral, and forty-nine years parithprieft. At Newcastle upon Tyne, aged 53, John Silvertop, of Minsters Acres, efq.. Lately, at Bath, aged 57, LieutenantColonel Hatton Flood. Lately, at Castle Jordan, in the county of Meath, Sir D. Giffard. Lately, at Annabella, near Mallow, Sir Joseph Hoare, Bart. 27. At Ellesmere, in Salop, aged 67, Rear-Admiral William Hay. At Truro, the Rev. John Vivian, of Penkaleneck, in the county of Cornwall. 28. Lady Elizabeth Mackenfie, of Cr marty, widow of George earl of Elir bank, and daughter of George earl of Cromarty. 29. At Lady Grantley's, at Wonersh, Surrey, Mits Trebane Chapple, aged 54. Lately, the Rev. John Clendon, vicar of Brompton Regis, Somersershire, and formerly tellow of Emmanuel College. 30. At Buckland, aged 33, the Rev. James Hurdis, D. D. of Magdalen College, Oxford, and profeffor of poetry in that univerfity. He was Author of "The Village Curate," and other pieces. 31. In Portman-place, Mrs. Chifholme, wife of James Chisholme, efq. of Stonedge, Roxburghthine. In the Marine Barracks, Stonehouse, Plymouth, aged 66, Mr. R. Bunce, many years turgeon of the Plymouth division of marines. JAN. 1, 1802. Walter Phillips, efq. of Stourbridge, aged 80. 2. At Kenegie, near Penzance, in Cornwall, of a decline, in his 48th year, the Right Hon. George Rodney, lord Rodney. At Camberwell, in his goth year, Mr. Earle, formerly of Bermondiey-itreet, woolien-draper and taylor. Mr. John Currie, of Bidwell-park, Herts. Captain Samuel Turner, Author of An Account of an Embaify to the Court of the Teeshoo Lama in Tibet, containing a Narrative of a Journey through Bootan and Part of Tibet," 4:0. 1800. He was taken with an apoplectic fit the 21st December, in paffing through Church yard alley, Fetter-lane, and carried to the Workhouse, Shoe-lane, where he died. Andrew Lumisden, efq. (See an Account of this Gentleman, and a Portrait of him in our Magazine for July 1798, Vol. XXXIV.) 3. Mr. John Vaux, of Duke-street, Spital-neids, in his 67th year. Lately, the Rev. Anthony F. Hammond, rector of Ivy Church, and vicar of Lymppe, in Kent. Lately, at Bath, in her 70th year, Lady Wright, wife of Sir James Wright, bart. of Hovhouse, Eflex. 5. At Chethunt, Herts, the Rev. Her. bert Mayo, D. D. rector of St. George's, Middlesex. At Stretham, near Fly, the Rev. John Swaine, rector of Stretham. Mr. Henry Gee, aged 88, many years clerk to the confervators of the river Cam. Lately, in his 78th year. the Rev. Henry Sampion, rector of Croscombe and Sutton, in Somersethive. 6. At Wadley House, Berks, the Right Hon. William Flower, viscount Athbrock, and baron of Cattle Durrow. He was born Ολ. 19, 1767. Sir Thomas Kent, near Kingston, aged 83 years. At Blackheath, Mr. William Gillett, late of the East India Company's service. 7. John Dulet, efq. of Tottenhamcourt road. William Browne, efq. of Tallentire Hall, Cumberland. 8. Mr. Cockburn, first clerk of the Pay Office. Mr. John Cruikshanks, stock-broker, Birchin lane. In Hertford-ftreet, May fair, Robert Udney, etq. in his 78th year. The Rev. Arthur O'Leary, at his apartments in Portland street. He was a man fingularly gifted with natural hu. mour, and polfeffed of great acquirements. From the rank of a fimple Dominican Friar, he obtained, by the mere buoyancy of talent, the notice and the recompence of the Irish Government. He wrote on polemical subjects without acrimony, and on politics with an unprecedented degree of conciliation. As an inftance of his humour, it may be quoted, that an Irish Bishop once challenged him to prove the existence of Purgatory. "The question," said the meek Friar, in his answer, " is not capable of demonftrative proof. Let the affair remain as it is. Your Lordship may go farther and fare worse!" Mr. Deputy Leaky, the oldest common councilman in the City. 9. Nath. Spens, late commander of the East India Company's ship Neptune. ro. Mr. John Shoolbred, of Marklane, aged 61. Lady Catharine Bligh, eldest daughter of the Earl of Darnley. At Richmond, Mrs. Guy. aged 92. 21. At Edinburgh, Mc. Anthony Woodhead, presis of the society of folicitors at law in that city. Mrs. Chriftiana Wilson, wife of Captain Henry Wilfon, of the Warley East Indiaman, who was shipwrecked on the Pelew Islands. 13. The Hon. Miss Jefferys, maid of honour to the queen. Lately, at Hutton Hall, in Cumberland, Lady Fletcher, mother of Sir Frederick Vane, bart. 15. At Bath, in her 32d year, Lady Charlotte Nares, third daughter of the Duke of Marlborough. At Bath, Thomas Coldicot, efq. of Hilton Lodge, Lincolnshire. At Bristol, Major Henry Vaughan Lane. He was taken ill the preceding Monday at Gloucetter-house. 17. Mr. J. Slark, master of the Glou. cefter coffee-house and hotel, Piccadilly. 18. Mrs. Elizabeth Ancell, reli& of Mr. Thomas Ancell, of the secretary of state's office. T. Plummer, efq. Gray's-inn square. 19. William Mills, eiq. of Denton. house, near Wheatley, Oxon. Mr. William Ewsters, of Chiswellstreet, Firsbury Iquare. 20. Dr. Samuel Berdmore, late maller of the Charter-house School. He was of Jesus College, Cambridge, where he took the degrees of B. A. 1759, M. Α. 1762. He had just printed "Specimens of Literary Refemblance in the Works of Pope, Gray, and other celebrated Writers; with critical Obfervations: In a Series of Letters," 8vo. 1801; parts of which originally appeared in our Magazine, to which he was frequently a Correfpondent. DEC. 21. At Boulogne sur Mer, Mr. James Ballantyne, jun. SEPT. 2. At Demarary, Nathaniel Mafon, efq. aged 41. Ост. 15. At Good Hope, parish of Trelawney, Jamaica, Dr. Adam Willis. Ост. 24. In Jamaica, William Kil. gour, M. D. furgeon of the 6th battalion of the 60th regiment. DEC. 2. At Madeira, in his 21st year, Henry Frankland, eiq. eldest ton of Sir Thomas Frankland. DEC. 1800. At Port Jackson, New South Wales, R. Dare, efq. his Majesty's judge advocate for that fettlement. Printed by WINNEY and GOLD, Sboc-Lane, Flest-Stre.. Days EACH DAY'S PRICE OF STOCKS FOR JANUARY perCt3 per Ct. 4perut Navy New Bank Long | Short Stock Reduc Confols Confols sperC5DerCt Ann. Ann. 1 Oma. Imp. India India India 3pr Ct Stock. Scrip Bonds 1802. New Exche | Irish English Irish Navy. Bills. 5perC Lott. Tick. Tick. N.B. In the 3 per Cent. Consols the highest and lowen Price of each Day is given; in the other Stocks the highest Price only. European Magazine, For FEBRUARY 1802. [Embellished with, 1. A PORTRAIT OF JAMES HARRIS, ESQ. And, 2. A VIEW of the NORTH SIDE OF FINSBURY-SQUARE.] Persons who refide abroad, and who wish to be supplied with this Work every Month, as publifted, may have it fent to them, FREE OF POSTAGE, to New York, Halifax, Quebec, and every Part of the West Indies, at Two Guineas per Annum, by Mr. THORNHILL, of the General Poft Office, at No. 21, Sherborne Lane; to Hamburg, Lisbon, Gibraltar, or any Part of the Mediterranean, at Two Guineas per Annum, by Mr. BISHOP, of the General Post Office, at No. 22, Sherborne Lane; to any Part of Ireland, at One Guinea and a Half per Annum, by Mr. SMITH, of the General Post Offue, at No. 3, Sherborne Lane; and to the Cape of Good Hope, or any Part of the East Indies, at Thirty Shillings per Annum, by Mr. Gux, at the East India Houst. VOL. XLI. FEB. 1802. M C. B. from Christ's College, informs us, that the degree conferred on Dr. Nelson was utterly unconnected with the merits of his brother. Dr. Nelfon took his degree in the fame regular way that every other Doctor of Divinity obtains it, and upon that occafion preached an English and a Latin Sermon, both which were heard with great fatisfaction. J. H.'s Elegiac Stanzas came too late. We have been obliged to postpone several of our poetical correspondents. The XIVth "Essay after the Manner of Goldsmith" was received too late for insertion in the prefent Number. AVERAGE PRICES of CORN from February 6, to February 13. Wilts 65 200 C35 424 453 Berks 72 1100 35 225 240 5 Oxford 70 900 036 10 22 71 11 00 037 11 23 11 47 2 WALES. 439 8 N. Wales 81 0100048 029 600 Bucks 77 000 038 1024 941 8 S. Wales 69 400 0.40 917 11/00 9 Dorfet 71 000 2 19 400 0 034 615 900 0 035 629 442 。 618 841 Rusland 78 600 042 020 642 Leicester 77 400 042 918 842 Nottingh. 81 050 048 822 045 Derby 82 400 049 022 449 100 Salop 80 657 249 100 |