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THE YEAR 1830-31,









ENTERED according to Act of Congress, in the year 1832.

in the Clerk's office of the District Court of Massachusetts.



UNITED STATES. -Policy of the Administration.-Sectional Parties.-

Policy of the Southern States of the Northern. - Periodical Press.-

Political Machinery.-Political Course of the President. Quarrels with

the Vice President. -Change of Cabinet.-Causes of Resignations.-

Character of New Cabinet opposition.-Anti-Masonic Party. -Origin of

same. Principles of Anti-Masonic Party.-Effect upon the Politics of

the Union.

Indian Affairs.- Conduct of Georgia. --Case of George Tassel.--

Resolutions of State Legislature. - Survey of the Cherokee Territory.-

Proceedings of State Legislature.-Co-operation of the Federal Govern-

ment. Occupation of the Cherokee Country.- Arrest of Missionaries.-

Condemnation and Imprisonment of. -Process in Supreme Court of the

United States.-Judgment of Court. --Change in mode of Paying Indian

Annuities. Treaty with the Cherokees. - Proceedings of Senate. - Motion

in House on the Indian Relations. To reform mode of distributing An-


Foreign Relations.-Claims on France. -Conduct of France.-Meas-

ures of Administration. Objections to Claims. -Louisiana Treaty.-

Beaumarchais.-Treaty with France. Intercourse with British West In-

dies.-North East Boundary.-Origin of Controversy. -Treaty of 1783.-

Of 1794 of 1814 of 1827.-Umpire appointed. -Award.-Protest on

the part of the United States.

Opening of Congress.-President's Message.-Impeachment of Judge

Peck.-Trial. Acquittal. - Act declaring Law of Contempts.-Bill

to Repeal the 25th Section of Judiciary Act.-Judicial System of United

States.-Mode of executing Resolutions of Continental Congress.-Mode

Provided by Federal Constitution.-Chisholm vs. Georgia.-Amendments

to Constitution.- Twenty-fifth Section. Cohens vs. Virginia. Decision

of Court. Discontent. - Rejection of Bill to Repeal.

Distinction between Federal and State Governments.-Prospects of

the Country.-Cominerce.-Manufactures.-Internal Improvements.-

Policy of Federal Government.--History of Policy. --Madison's

Veto. Course of Congress. - Monroe's Veto.-Act of April, 1824.-

Object of Act.-Policy of Adams' Administration.-Progress of In-

ternal Improvement. -Course of Jackson's Administration.-Veto.-Bills

Retained.-Grounds of objection. - Report of Committee on Internal Im-

provement.-Debate in House. -Congress act in opposition to sentiments

of President.-President yields to Congress.

Treasury Report for 1830.-Appropriations for Pensions. For Support

of Government.--Debate on Survey of Public Lands.--Debate

on Mission to Russia.-Debate on Turkish Treaty.-Appropriations for

Navy-for Fortifications for Army-for the Indian Department-for

Public Buildings.

COLOMBIA.-Geography.--Physical Aspect. --Productions. - Govern-

ment under Spain. - Religion. -Character of the people. - Causes of the

Revolution. Revolutionary Movements. - Miranda. -Events of Bayonne.


GERMANY.-Importance of. -Fall of the Western Empire, and its revival

under Charlemagne. - Electors. -Constitution of the Holy Roman Em-

pire. Diet of the Empire. French Revolution. Dissolution of the

German Empire. - Confederation of the Rhine. Its dissolution.-Con-

gress of Vienna.-Mediatised Princes. - Deliberations respecting the re-

construction of the German Empire. - As to Saxony. New confederacy.

-Its objects. Provisions of the Act of Confederacy. -Diet at Frank-

fort. General and Ordinary Assembly.-Powers of the members of the

Diet. Deliberations of the Diet.-Federal Army.-Internal Navigation.

-Tariffs. Commercial Conventions. Literature. - Copy-Rights.-

Liberty of the Press. -Patriotic Associations. Central Commission at

Mentz.-Constitutions of Saxe Weimar. Bavaria. - Wertemburgh, Han-

over, Baden, Nassau, Prussia, Austria, &c. Quarrel of the Duke of

Brunswick with George IV. Decision of the Diet.-Revolution in

Brunswick.-Commotions in Saxony, Hesse Cassel, &c.

THE PENINSULA.-Portugal. - Emigrants. - Negotiation. - Distress of

the country. Operations at Terceira. Conduct of England.-Don Pe-

dro. Effect of the French Revolution. -Collision with England.-And

with France. Regency at Terceira. - Spain. - Attempt of the Exiles.-

Mina. Disputes. -Attack from Bayonne. From Pespignan. -Torrijos.

GREECE AND TURKEY.-Effect of the Treaty of Adrianople.-Proto-

col of February. - Choice of Leopold. - He declines. -State of Greece.-

Destruction of the Fleet.-Assassination of Capo d'Istrias. -Turkey.-

Mahmoud's reform. -Revolts. - The Viceroy of Egypt.

POLAND.-Frequency of revolutions. - Partition of Poland. Its effects.

-Policy of Napoleon. - The Polish legion. The Dutchy of Warsaw.-

Congress of Vienna. Poland subjected to Russia.-Alexander's char-

ter. Tyranny of the Russians. - Conspiracy of 1825. Oppression of Ni-

cholas.-New conspiracy. -Effect of the French Revolution.-Designs of

Nicholas. Commencement of the revolution.

POLAND CONTINUED. Provincial Government. -The Grand Duke. - Depu-

tation to St. Petersburgh.-Russian proclamation.-State of Warsaw.-

Chlopicki Dictator.- Military preparation.-Radzivil succeeds Chlopicki.

-The Polish forces. Diebitsch enters Poland.-Military Operations.-

Various engagements. -Negotiations. - Battle of Crokow. Appointment

of Skrzynecki.-Efforts of the Poles. - Operations of Dwernicki.-Propo-

sitions.-Skrzynecki's operations. Insurrection in Lithuania -Battle of

Igani. Retrospect.

POLAND CONCLUDED.-Position and Strength of the Armies. Skrzynecki's

Plans. Defeat of Licrawski.-Dwernicki's operations. The Cholera

Morbus.-Battles of Kuflew and Minsk. - Advance of the Poles. Battle

of Ostrolenka.- Death of Diebitsch. - Operations in Lithuania.-Battle of

Wilna.-Jankowski's expeditions. -Excitement in Warsaw -Disasters

in Lithuania. Retreat of the Poles. -Chlapowski and Rohland enter

Prussia.-Paskewicz passes the Vistula. Council of War. Dembinski's

operations.-Fall of Warsaw. -Dispersion of the Polish army. Reflec-

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