STATEMENT of the number of Vessels, and the amount of Tonnage, which were built, registered, enrolled, and licensed, in each State and Territory of the United States, during the year ending on the 31st December, 1829. STATE OR TERRITORY. Registered Vessels. Enrolled and Licensed Vessels. Ships. Schooners. Brigs. Sloops. Steamboats Total num- Total Ton- Ships. Brigs. Schooners. Sloops. Steam boats. Total number of vessels. Total Tonnage. Total tonnage rolled, and licensed. Total number of vessels registered, en Number of Tons. 95ths. Number of Tons. 95ths. Tons. 95ths. Licensed Vessels under 20 tons. Total Total STATEMENT of the total number of Vessels, and the Seamen usually employed in navigating the same, which belonged to each State or Territory of the United States on the 31st December, 1829. STATE OR TERRITORY. Enrolled and Licensed Vessels. Steam- Sch'rs. Sloops Vessels. Seamen. Steam- Ships. Brigs. Sch'rs. Sloops boats. Ships. Brigs. Sch'rs. Sloops boats. Registered Vessels. 88 490,468 05 18,390 05 508,858 10 97,888 91 3,907 82 101,796 78 RECAPITULATION OF THE TONNAGE OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE YEAR 1829. ENROLLED AND LICENSED TONNAGE. The enrolled vessels employed in the coasting trade at the close of the year 1829 The licensed vessels under 20 tons do The enrolled vessels employed in the whale fishery do FISHING VESSELS. Do do do The licensed vessels under 20 tons cod fishery do Tons. 95ths. 650,142 Tons 1,260,797 81 REGISTERED TONNAGE. The registered vessels employed in the foreign trade at the close of the year 1829 The registered tonnage employed other than in the whale fishery, during the year 1829 The aggregate amount of the tonnage of the United States on the 31st of December, 1829 592,858 50 57,284 38 As above 650,142 88 1,260,797 81 Permanent enrolled and licensed tonnage Temporary do do Total enrolled and licensed tonnage Licensed vessels under 20 tons employed in the coasting trade do Do cod fishery do Of the enrolled and licensed tonnage there were employed in the coasting trade Do Do do do do do whale fishery cod fishery 490,468 05 588,357 01 Whereof RECAPITULATION. CONTINUED. Total licensed tonnage under 20 tons 586,069 54 18,390 05 22,297 87 1,260,797 81 steam navigation 54,036 81 tons, Of the enrolled tonnage employed in the coasting trade, amounting, as above stated, to 588,357 01 tons, there were employed in NOTE. The decrease in the Enrolled Tonnage for the year 1829, is shown as follows : NOTE. The decrease in the Registered Tonnage for the year 1829, is shown as follows: Amount of diminished registered tonnage, above, brought down 162,476 44 enrolled tonnage, brought over 273,813 48 do licensed tonnage under 20 tons, above, bro't down 44,304 09 480,594 06 |