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" Woods; thence through the said lake to the most northwestern point thereof, and from thence on a due west course to the river Mississippi; thence by a line to be drawn along the middle of the said river Mississippi until it shall intersect the northernmost... "
The American Diplomatic Code Embracing a Collection of Treaties and ... - Page 227
publié par - 1834
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The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin ...: pt.III. Letters ...

Benjamin Franklin - 1818 - 502 pages
...the Woods, thence through the said, lake to the most north-western point thereof, and from thence on a due west course to the river Mississippi, thence...until it shall intersect the northernmost part of the thirty-first degree of north latitude; south, by a line to be drawn due east from the determination...
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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of B.F. ...

Benjamin Franklin - 1818 - 480 pages
...the Woods, thence through the said. lake to the most north-western point thereof, and from thence on a due west course to the river Mississippi, thence...Mississippi until it shall intersect the northernmost partof the thirty-first degree of north latitude; south, by a line to be drawn due east from the determination...
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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin...: Correspondence

Benjamin Franklin - 1818 - 462 pages
...the Woods, thence through the said lake to the most north-western point thereof, and from thence on a due west course to the river Mississippi, thence...along the middle of the said river Mississippi until ii shall intersect the northernmost part of the thirty-first degree of north latitude; »outh, by a...
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Secret Journals of the Acts and Proceedings of Congress, from the First ...

United States. Continental Congress - 1820 - 600 pages
...middle of the river Mississippi from its source to where the said line shall intersect the thirty-first degree of north latitude: south, by a line to be drawn due east from the termination of the line last mentioned in the latitude of thirty-one degrees north from the equator...
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Secret Journals of the Acts and Proceedings of Congress, from the First ...

United States. Continental Congress - 1821 - 626 pages
...the Woods ; thence through the said lake to the most north-western point thereof; and from thence on a due west course to the river Mississippi ; thence...until it shall intersect the northernmost part of the thirty-first degree of north latitude. South, by a line to be drawn due east from the determination...
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A Digest of the Laws of the United States of America, from March 4th, 1789 ...

Edward Ingersoll - 1821 - 882 pages
...contained within the following limits, that is to say: beginning at the mouth of the river Sabine, thence, by a line to be drawn along the middle of the said river, including all islands, to the thirty-second decree of latitude; thence, due north to the northernmost...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of ..., Partie 150,Volume 4

Great Britain. Court of King's Bench - 1822 - 908 pages
...the Woods, thence through the said lake to the most north-western point thereof; and from thence, on a due west course, to the river Mississippi, thence,...until it shall intersect the northernmost part of the 31st degree of north latitude ; south, by a line to be drawn due east from the determination of the...
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A Digest of the Laws of the State of Georgia: Containing All Statutes and ...

Georgia, Oliver Hillhouse Prince - 1822 - 686 pages
...said branch or stream of Tuçilo. river, which extends to the highest northern latitude ; thence down the middle of the said river Mississippi, until it shall intersect the northernmost part of the thirty-first degree of north latitude ; south by a line drawn due east from the termination f*f the...
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Journals of the American Congress: from 1774 to 1788: In Four Volumes ...

United States. Continental Congress - 1823 - 1024 pages
...the Woods; thence through the said lake to the most north-western point thereof, and from thence on Congress assembled: 31st degree of north latitude. South bj aline to be drawn due east from the determination of the line...
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Apr. 1, 1782, to Nov. 1, 1788, inclusive; also, the Journal of the Committee ...

United States. Continental Congress - 1823 - 1022 pages
...north-western point thereof, and from thence on a due west course to the river Mississippi ; thence 1>\ a line to be drawn along the middle of the sa'id river...until it shall intersect the northernmost part of the Slst degree of north latitude. South by a line to be drawn due east from the determination of the line...
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