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" The natives of the island, when, at the dawn of day, they had beheld the ships hovering on their coast, had supposed them monsters which had issued from the deep during the night. They had crowded to the beach, and watched their movements with awful anxiety.... "
The London Magazine - Page 284
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Werner's Readings and Recitations: American classics (c1913)

1891 - 208 pages
...who had been most mutinous and turbulent during the voyage were now most devoted and enthusiastic. The natives of the island, when, at the dawn of day, they had beheld the ships hovering on their coast, had supposed them monsters which had issued from the deep during the night....
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Cathcart's Literary Reader: A Manual of English Literature : Being Typical ...

George Rhett Cathcart - 1892 - 572 pages
...pardon for all the trouble they had caused him, and promising the blindest obedience for the future. The natives of the island, when, at the dawn of day, they had beheld the ships hovering on their coast, had supposed them monsters which had issued from the deep during the night....
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The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, Volume 1

Washington Irving - 1893 - 508 pages
...decad. i. Valencia, 1689. 3 Oviedo, lib. i. cap. 6. Las Casas, Hist. Ind., lib. i. cap. 40. •them monsters which had issued from the deep during the night. They had crowded to the heach, and watched their movements with awful anxiety. Their veering about, apparently without effort,...
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The Library of Historic Characters and Famous Events of All ..., Volume 2

Ainsworth Rand Spofford, Frank Weitenkampf, John Porter Lamberton - 1894 - 462 pages
...pardon for all the trouble they had caused him and promising the blindest obedience for the future. The natives of the island, when, at the dawn of day, they had beheld the ships hovering on their coast, had supposed them monsters which had issued from the deep during the night....
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The universal anthology, a collection of the best literature ..., Volume 11

Richard Garnett - 1899 - 434 pages
...the sovereigns. The feelings of the crew now burst forth in the most extravagant transports. . . . The natives of the island, when, at the dawn of day, they had beheld the ships hovering on their coast, had supposed them monsters which had issued from the deep during the night....
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The Universal Anthology: A Collection of the Best Literature ..., Volume 11

Richard Garnett, Leon Vallée, Alois Brandl - 1899 - 432 pages
...the sovereigns. The feelings of the crew now burst forth in the most extravagant transports. . . . The natives of the island, when, at the dawn of day, they had beheld the ships hovering on their coast, had supposed them monsters which had issued from the deep during the night....
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Graded Literature Readers: Fifth book

Harry Pratt Judson, Ida Catherine Bender, Ida C. Bender - 1900 - 530 pages
...pardon for all the trouble they had caused him, and promising the blindest obedience for the future. 10 The natives of the island, when at the dawn of day they had beheld the ships hovering on their coasts, had supposed them monsters which had issued from the deep during the night....
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Modern Achievement, Volume 8

1902 - 532 pages
...pardon for all the trouble they had caused him and promising the blindest obedience for the future. The natives of the island, when, at the dawn of day, they had beheld the ships hovering on their coast, had supposed them monsters which had issued from the deep during the night....
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The Historians' History of the World: The British colonies, The United ...

Henry Smith Williams - 1904 - 702 pages
...pardon for all the trouble they had caused him, and promising the blindest obedience for the future. The natives of the island, when, at the dawn of day, they had beheld the ships hovering on their coast, had supposed them monsters which had issued from the deep during the night....
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Lectures anglaises, pour les classes de seconde et de première: Histoire ...

Henri Veslot - 1905 - 400 pages
...feet, begging his forgiveness, and offering for the future the blindest obedience to his commands. The natives of the island, when, at the dawn of day, they had beheld the ships hovering on the coast, had supposed them some monsters, which had issued from the deep during the night....
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